Chapter Twenty Two

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Christmas Eve came around very quickly. I was trying to keep myself busy by going to the gym and watching Netflix, but it wasn't working.

Part of me was still wondering if Mr. Graham's offer was still on the table.

Could I stop by? Maybe give him a gift for being a great boss...and friend.

I decide to go out into the chaos going on in the world to find him something.

What doesn't he have though? He owns basically everything.

I go into the mall and try to find him something. Walking around in the mess, I realize I should've stayed home. There's way too many people out and about.


I had finished my workout and decided to take a shower.

A lot was going through my head. But not much was going on in my life.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss Kamaria, and was hoping she might swing by.

But I knew that was unrealistic of me to think. Maybe she'd spend time with Daniel.

I overheard him talking about Kamaria texting him in the middle of the night. You know nothing good ever happens in the middle of the night.

After my long shower, I get out. Then I hear the doorbell.

Maybe it's the mail. But usually he just leaves it on the doorstep.

I make my way to the door and come face to face with Kamaria.

"Oh I'm sorry I—," Kamaria stutters. I realize I'm basically naked in front of her.

"Oh hi," I blush. "Sorry come in," I let her in.

"I'm gonna put clothes on real quick," I tell her, running off to put some pants on.

I cant believe she actually stopped by. There's no way. I have to say something today.

This is my Christmas miracle.


I felt heat rising through my body. When he answered the door, he was all wet and naked. Like some movie type shit.

I wasn't prepared for that at all.

And if you're wondering, yes. I finally found what to give him. He has a lot of things. But he doesn't have this.

In the middle of my deep thought, I hear him coming down. Now with clothes on.

"Hey it's nice to see you," he smiles.

"Yeah I just thought I would stop by," I smile.

"Yeah how have you been," he goes to grab a bottle of wine.

"Good good," I smile.

He looks at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I actually," I bring out my gift to him.

"Oh Kamaria," he brings out the glasses in front of me. "You didn't have to."

"Of course I did. You've been really nice to me this whole time and I couldn't be more thankful for that."

I hand it to him and he puts it on the table next to him. "Well I'm glad I could be of some comfort to you," he smiled. He poured some wine into our glasses.

"You have a lot of wine," I smirk.

"Well when you're home alone a lot, you have time," he chuckles. We cheers and I take a sip. He had great taste in wine.

"May I ask why you're spending Christmas alone?"

He shrugs. "No family to spend it with."

I didn't wanna pry into his business about his family life. So I just nodded.

"I'm sure you're curious as to why," he read my facial expressions.

"You don't have to tell me. I mean I don't have any family to spend it with either."

"It's okay I don't mind," he lowers the volume on his tv. "To summarize, my mom lives in Toronto and my dad is lord knows where. My mom and I are close but I have trouble talking to her. She's been dealing with her alcohol addiction and she just—," he stops himself. "Yeah."

I never knew that about him. It was interesting to tap into his more vulnerable side and I appreciated the fact that he was willing to share.

"I'm sorry," I decide to hug him. I'm not sure what came over me, but I did it.

He was tense at first, not expecting the hug. Then he let loose.

"It's okay. I think I've been able to surround myself with much better people," he smiles.

I smile back at him and I can feel our eyes lock intensely.

And I couldn't look away.

I felt something in my heart that I had been denying for a long time.

"I know you feel like you don't have anyone right now. But I'm always here if you want me to be," I reassure him.

He seems very happy with what I say. "That means a lot to me," he laughs. "You know if you want, you can just stay here for Christmas?"

I thought about his idea. Part of me felt I might be crossing a boundary and there would be no return. But another part of me knew I'd be sitting at home alone, doing nothing and feeling sad.

"I can?"

"Of course. We can have our own Christmas thing," he smiles.

"I'd like that."

He turns up the volume on the tv. We were watching the grinch on the tv and just chilling there.

We didn't say anything. He just wrapped a blanket around me and we watched the movie. And it felt really nice.

As if we were dating.

Thank you for Reading (:
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