A few more similar images continue to flash in Xina's dreaming mind. Xina felt her heart beat pick up speed as she began to panic. She wanted these images of distress to stop. She couldn't bear to see more of these images of the city burning, people getting hurt and trying to run to safety when it was useless. No where was safe.

The last few images made Xina's heart stop. She sees an image of all her friends injured. They all had their duel disks activated on their arms as they were all dueling a different shadow-like person. The images made it seem like they were loosing. Xina notices that Yusei wasn't in these images and she began to wonder where he might be.

Then, as if on cue, a bright white light flashes as everything appeared white. She then sees an image that she feared the most. She's sees herself holding onto Yusei, who was bruised up and unconscious. Patches of what looked like blood was on his body. Xina's sees herself crying onto Yusei as her tears fell onto his bruised up cheeks. She hears herself call his name, pleading him to wake up.

Then suddenly, everything fades away as Xina awoke from her slumber

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Then suddenly, everything fades away as Xina awoke from her slumber.

Xina eyes shot open as she felt her warm tears coming down her cheeks. She was still lying down as she feels an arm laying on her waist; Xina knew it was Yusei's arm. She wipes her wet cheeks before carefully removing Yusei's arm from her waist.

Xina's sits up and looks over at Yusei; he was still sound asleep. She sees how peaceful he looked when he was asleep, unlike that last image she saw. She analyzes him, seeing there was no scratches and bruises or signs of distress and pain.

Xina quietly sighs before she slowly gets out of bed, being cautious to not wake Yusei. She tiptoes out of the room and down the stairs. She sees her friends sleeping in the living room peacefully, making Xina sigh in relief.

Xina then, being quiet as possible, makes her way out the front door and onto the porch. She looks at the night sky to see the waning crescent of the moon was still out. She began to think:

I keep on seeing these same images almost every night now. Does this mean it's going to happen? Is it a sign?

Xina pauses as she looks down at her light blue moon mark that is on her left forearm. She lightly grazes the mark with her fingers before looking back up at the moon. She then laid her hand on the moon mark as she continued to think:

This mark gives me the ability to see the future, and if these images and visions are the future, then I must do whatever it takes to prevent it from happening... Although... it has already started... I can't let anything happen to the city or Martha and the orphanage, or my friends.... especially Yusei.

Every time Xina thinks of Yusei, she sees that traumatizing image of him. This makes her uneasy and upset as she sits on the steps on the porch. She shuts her eyes, still seeing that image. Xina brings her hands to her face and starts hitting her forehead. She thinks:

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