Chapter 77 : APOCALYPTIC

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Alex has managed to get inside without being seen by anyone and got to know how many guards they were the power dampening machines.

" it's a bit difficult but I can turn the machines off and we can go in " Alex said as he realised Lori was missing.

" We should go before she gets into trouble  " Lana said.

Martin and Sandra were waiting impatiently as all the men they had guarding their hostages all started bleeding from their eyes and mouth and bled out and a dark cloud and coldness unlike any other was felt as they saw Lori.

" It's you " Sandra said as Ana saw lori as she freed herself for her power was back.

" Stay away from my daughter or I swear I won't rest till I finish you all up " Jax said as Lori said it was okay.

" Why are you bent on bringing the Horsemen back " Lori asked using her powers to make them speak the truth.

" Cause our daughter was killed and the man who did it walks free in the world and my little girl is dead now I want everything to die " Martin said.

" And what will happen when the world is destroyed ? " Lori asked,

" I don't know " Sandra said as Lori went and touched Sandra's hand making her relive all the beautiful memories she had with her daughter bringing her to her knees but Martin began the spell and a trail of fire went from him and made a circle around Lori.

" There's no where it says she has to do the spell " Martin said as Sandra cried begging him to stop as the fire turned black.

Sandra had realised what she had been fighting for and believed in wasn't the right thing and her daughter who lived a happy life wouldn't have been happy to see what her mother and father were doing.

" No I won't let you do this " Sandra said as she ran into the fire and held onto Lori as Ana and Jean were trying to put the fire out but it got stronger and Sandra helped Lori to get out but the flame got to her and disintegrated that instinct and that's when Alex and the kids arrived.

" No " Martin said Jax punched him but a black smoke came out of the flame covering the entire cave then disappeared and Martin who was on the floor was gone too.

" That was it a black smoke no horsemen " Jax said as Ana smiled hugging Lori who was okay.

" We have to help them out of here " Ana said as Alex was by Christian and Lori saw them and went towards Christian and Jake and touched their foreheads with both of her hands and her eyes glowed and the injuries on them healed themselves up and they were good as new.

" Woah ! " Alex said as Lori said as she turned to see everyone looking at her.

" How did you do that sweetheart ? " Ana asked.

" I don't know I just wanted them to be better and it happened " Lori said as Jax helped Jake up.

" Well it's a good thing you thought that " Jake said as Christian was embracing Alex.

" We should take the darkness from Lori " Jean said as Ana agreed.

" But how ? " Roman asked.

" Jax has to stand there on the sun and Lori on the moon diagram and the transfer will begin " Christian said pointing on the floor.

Jax and Lori both stood on their respective spots but nothing happened.

"  That looks like a dragon  " Lana said as pointing to the wall and Ana immediately went and looked at it and everyone to went to take a peek.

" This was the shrine to Dragon shifters, the guardian was a dragon and only a dragon can make the transfer and destroy the darkness  " Christian said as Troy raised his hand up.

" I will do it " He said.

" No I won't have another child in danger today " Ana said as Jean understood .

" We will find another way " Jean said as Jax got out of his diagram and to talk with Ana and as they were discussing what to do, Troy ran and stood on Jax's diagram on the floor and the entire shrine transformed into solid gold as Ana screamed seeing Troy.

A dark matter started coming out of Lori and in the direction of Troy as it went into around Troy and he managed to expelled it into the shrine by breathing fire on it.

" He took the Darkness and sent it inside the place " Christian said as Ana caught Troy who was almost falling.

" Why did you do that what if you got hurt ? " Ana asked Troy.

" I saw you were worried about her and so I was worried about her cause she's the daughter of the woman who took me as her son " Troy said as Ana hugged him.

" Thank you kid for being brave " Jax said.

" That's what superheroes do " Troy said as everyone laughed and they heard helicopters coming their way led by Mia.

Back in thorn hills they has settled back in and Ana couldn't believe another catastrophic danger had been passed.

" These kids will kill me one day " Jax said as Ana smiled as they looked at them play as they stood at the front porch of the Nova manor.

" But they are brave and family will give this kids the strength to live " Ana said as Jax kissed her.

" where do we go today ? " Jax asked as Ana didn't want to think about that cause something was worrying her.

" What is it ? " Jax asked.

" That smoke then Martin disappeared didn't make any sense " Ana said.

That night as everyone was sleeping Troy flew to China to the shrine as he remembered how he managed to trail Christian research to that shrine so they would come and he would take Lori's Darkness out and later he could take it for himself.

Troy opened his mouth and began breathing in the Darkness he took out and placed in the shrine and Inside him it would make him a dark warlock too a powerful being.

He tampered with Christian's research while he was at his house and left out the part they needed the guardian was a dragon and not only could they destroy the darkness but take it if they wanted.

" Time to burn " Troy said as he had drained Lori's and centuries of Darkness from the shrine before burning it down so that another transfer could never happen again and now Lori's Darkness was his own.

Meanwhile outside of thorn hills the horsemen of the apocalypse had materialised as Martin was crying for Sandra.

" Don't worry you will get everything you lost as shall we " Death said as four horses appeared out of the darkness.

" We shall ride into a new tomorrow " War said as he helped Martin stand.

" And we will leave a path of destruction behind us wherever we go " Famine said as death laughed wickedly.

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