Chapter 52 : DARK AGE

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WAR is a universal language spoken by every civilization known, history has records of WAR of how the strong oppressed the weak and how the weak fought back and in order to have peace you must first have WAR. But this WAR will be different, it will be a BLOOD WAR as the dark ages are here.

WAR is coming and every supernaturals being wants their kind and their own to survive and be superior beings , and with the Horsemen on the rise a war will surely happen.....

Ana's POV

   Its been six months of silence and nothing has happened and I have a feeling they are waiting for me to give birth so they can attack but I have no fear Jake will protect them even if we are not sure of him being the father, I keep insisting we finally do a DNA test and see if he's the father or Jax of the two but he refuses saying he doesn't want to hurt me or the girls. Well that's my life and everyone else is doing well.

Jean and Roman are happy with their daughter Elise whose Turing two years old soon and will get a car from me cause they never start too young, and Jason opened up a gym where which is doing well and as soon as I give birth am hitting the gym. Mia has grown up and she's helping others with her foundation, Christian is currently on a camping trip with Alex its something about the fox in them being free, River is somewhere around in Thorn Hills sleeping around but there is someone who I haven't heard from and that's Jax he completely disappeared and he hasn't contacted his brother and that's strange .

And me am here in Australia with Jake, we came for the last will and testament of Max Nova where he left his sons and some of their distant relatives a big fortune, I mean massive, who knew a five hundred year old Heretic warlock had a will in case of his death when he's un kill able, I think he knew one day he will give up his life for his family and the only way for a heretic to die is by turning into unstable energy and that's a price he paid for us.

Meanwhile in Egypt Nora was inside the pyramid of giza in a forgotten vault where her brothers and sister were in slumber for the past centuries in their caskets.

" Its almost time for you all to awaken " Nora said as she remembered only a few years ago she too was asleep but one day the Holy Grail archeology team came looking for them but a nurse wondered off and found her way in the vault where the horsemen where and she was drawn to Deaths casket and when she touched it and she was immediately taken over and Death was Nora.

" We will be immortal and never again nap for a thousand years, cause me waking up  ahead of schedule was a sign she's here, after all these years looking for her and waiting buying our time for revenge, she's on her way, finally here " Nora said looking at their alters.

Meanwhile back in Australia Ana was seated watching Jake swim in the pool and she couldn't help but stare.

" Your drooling " Jake shouted as Ana waved her hand and the water went pushed Jake in and he wasn't coming up for air.

" That little wave no ! Jake stop it this, this is not funny " Ana said and he still wasn't coming up for air, Ana freaked out and ran by the pool and saw him on the floor of the pool.

" Light as a feather " Ana said as putting her hands over the pool as Jake began floating and she set him safely on dry ground.

" Jake wake up " Ana said hitting is chest but he wasn't waking up so she gave him mouth to mouth as Jake smiled as she closed her eyes going in to give him breath but received a kiss.

" You jerk " Ana hitting his chest as he laughed.

" You fell for it that easy, don't you know Heretics breath in water " Jake said as surprised by that cause she didn't know that.

" Well I almost gave birth thanks to you " Ana said as Jake touched her face.

" Let's go get dry cause I got you wet " Jake said as Ana agreed and they to the room to find roses on the bed lights above the bed.

" This is beautiful " Ana said walking around as Jake gave her a box which had a note above it and she looked at Jake who was giving her the go ahead sign and she took it and read it.

" Once upon a time there was a boy with no dreams, until he met a girl and her dreams became his. Cause of her he became a whole new person, thanks to you ! You taught me to be the best me I can possibly be " Ana read as Jake smiled.

" My life is a mess and you were sucked in it " Ana said.

" Well no am the happiest man in the world and multiverse cause am your husband " Jake said as Ana opened it to see a red diamond necklace.

" You shouldn't have " Ana said looking at it.

" Well it's blood diamonds super rare, but my family has always had them passing them down in the women in our family " Jake said as Ana looked at them.

" Am guessing you have given it to so many wives cause your practically half a century old " Ana said.

"No your the first woman to have them since my mother and grandmother cause I never settled down and maybe one day we could give them to our girls " Jake said hugging Ana as she couldn't feel anything but betrayal cause she was still carrying Jax in her heart.

" Don't worry I will keep you forever " Lexi said as Jax was standing naked in a class incubator of some kind as she was seated watching him with a smirk on her face.

" With you here I will never grow old and I will be powerful, your my battery " Lexi said standing up and went and touched the glass looking at him intensely.

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