847463 | Danfics Fanfics

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Right, so as you guys know, showing an Overrated ______ fanfiction is my thing, so, here I present to you: A Danfic Fanfic! ;)

(Sort of a Trigger Warning-- Mild, Depression)


An Overrated Danfic Fanfic (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire/Why the hell does that idiot not have the other words capitalized you waffly twat?) by yours truly

I wake up in America because I'm American. I'm 21, still live with my parents, and I'm still in High School because why the hell not? My family is OK and shit but I'm depressed for no reason. I have no friends even though I'm beautiful and actually really funny except for my one friend Riley because we share our love for youtubers

"hey, time to wake up," my mom shouts at me and I wake up. "COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i yell back and scream. I am so tired, and I have to go to school in-- 15 minutes! shit, im late

i brush my teeth, shower, put makeup on, and clothes in a matter of 5 minutes because hey screw logic and physics am i right haha "Bye, mom,"

I run out the door, I had to get to my school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suddenly bump into a tall tall tall tall guy. He was 485 feet taller than me. I gasp.

"Holy fucking shit hell are you fucking with me????????? AR E YOU FDAN  HOWLEE??????"

he chukles. "Yes,"

I gasp. "I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Your'e amazing!!!!!!!!1 Pls love me hey lets go get Starbucks!!!!!!!!!!????" I say

"Wait, aren't you AMiXCCCCXD on youtube?????????"

Well, I forgot to say I had 9 million subscribes well shit

"Shit I am holy fuck I always loved you"

"Want to give me your number?" he asked like a totally normal antisocial guy. I smiled and typed it in. I go.

After school I get a text from Dan

"Hey! Wanna go to VidCon with me? xx" it says. I am so shy but I text back

"YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS XDDDxddddddddxDDDDDDDDDDDD" and I go to VidCOn with him, and we got married and named our child Dil because why the hell not


Glad that's over? Yeah, moi aussi.

Seriously? "YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS XDDDxddddddddxDDDDDDDDDDDD"  what the fuck lol

so here's this for my lovely youtuber obsessed friends #imdatingdan

So, Danfics! My lovely friend has a book @iusedtobetaller called Why I Hate Danfics! Go check her out cos she's great and has nice stories, which aren't like this one.

Also @lostbutnotscared because I know her IRL and she's totally chill and super swaggy

And @PineHoultBatch and @Sidhewriter and @CaptainSarcastic101

Sorry, no more promos haha


Stop ending quotes with a semistop (aka comma for y'all americans)

"Hey," I said

is fine but not

I said, "Hey,"

because shit it's supposed to end you gimp

xx, izabel

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