
504 30 3

Je respecte tu parce que vous lisez ce


Omg so I just finished Mario & Luigi Dream Team, and it took me 45 hours and 20 minutes and I've been playing it since Christmas last year or my birthday or something.

Oh, look at the run on sentence. 

Anyways, as much as Mario & Luigi is are my favourite types of games (because Luigi is the best and I don't really like Mario that much), there were good parts and bad parts.

Wow. I feel like a more formal version of Pewdiepie.

Anywho, the thing that really really bothers me is the antagonists. They don't do anything???

Like, I understand that YOU'RE the one supposed to rescue that needy Peach, but thE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS HELP ME DEFEAT THAT STUPID ANATASMA or whatever his name was!! Dreambert, HE WAS your ENEMY NOT MINE???

And do NOT get me started on Starlow. She's so annoying, like the fairy guide in the Legend of Zelda.

Yes I play games like that because I have no life.

But??? Help??? Why??? Not???

The boss battles are also sucky but at least there's the Easy mode for amateurs like me.

(Not an amateur at killing people, but hey)

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