942 47 6

I'm fat even though I weight only 6 stone.

I do really good in school.

I work at Starbucks. Eat There. Drink there. Live there...

The author's note that goes a bit like this...

'Hey *insert pet name here*

So, Harry cheated on Amy!!!! Plot twist, lol!!!

Bet you didn't expect that.

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Amyluver123'

Fanfiction being PUBLISHED... *cough* After *cough*

We need to talk about this, ok? That girl even wants to make a MOVIE. That shizzle has abuse and s-e-x at every 2 chappies. Plus, WHY would Harry Styles be okay with this? Geeze.

Justin Bieber Fanfics in General



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