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                  Do's and Dont's


What Readers want To See In a Fanfiction, by yours truly,

Creativeness - It is okay to be cliche sometimes, but not everything has to be copied. Have a nice plot-line and your readers will be pleased.

Funny Moments (maybe) - Okay, I get if you aren't a funny person, and if it's drama, but if ALL you have it's drama and sadness, it's a bit... boring. If I wanted to cry, I'd just watch Reichenback again.

Correct Grammar- I.E,  start your sentences with a capital letter, capitalize names and places, Don't Do This Because It's Not Correct, punctuation. Used in the right way, you can pass a year five test!

Correct Punctuation (or at least have punctuation) - Periods, commas, parenthesis, exclamation points, and question marks. Used in the right way, you could be an actual author!

Correct Spelling- If you don't know how to spell something, look it up. If you're not bothered, just click the button on the top of the little box you're writing it with the ABC and the check-mark. Wattpad will correct it for you. On mobiles, there's this thing called autocorrect. It can be useful, you see.


What Readers DON'T Want To See, by yours truly,


Stealing Another Book- I get cliches, but copying EVERYTHING from it is NOT ok. Plagiarism is illegal in real life, so why do it on Wattpad? It's disrespectful and against the rules. You won't get good feedback if the readers have already read it, and it's just wrong! DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!

Spelling A Character's Name Wrong- No. No. Are you even a FAN? I get typos, but when you spell 'Niall' as Neil, 'Harry' as 'Hayire', and 'Sherlock' as Shrecklock, it's just obvious you're a twelve year old girl. And what about spelling Benedict Cumberbatch? 'Beneficd Combersome' or even worse. What is wrong with you?

OOC- Out Of Character. Maybe, sometimes, if you don't know what he'd do, it's okay, but no. Stop. One Direction is not some r*pist mafia. They're a teen boy band. I can't tell the differene either, it's ok.

 Abuse- I know alot of children and families suffer from abuse, and it's really sad, so why use it in your stories? I read SO many with running-away-from-abusive-fathers, and it REALLY annoys me, they don't actually know what it feels like. Those "After" books, they mention abuse alot, and now they're getting published. I am very against this, again, if I wanted to cry, I would watch Reichenback again. Heartless authors.


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