Things That We All Do {in the form of a novel}

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Things We All Do But Would Never Admit...


Your mother pushes the plate filled with the new, disgusting-looking food towards you. "Just try it," she says softly in her motherly tone. You furrow your brows.

"I won't like it!" you stress, crossing your arms. Your mother shakes her head.

"You do know until you try it," she replies, her voice soft. You roll your eyes and sigh, picking up the fork. You pick the smallest bit and raise it to your lips. You swallow it. It's not bad, you think to yourself. You look shakily up to your mother. You can't let her know you like it... She cannot be proven right.

"It's OK, but it's not THAT good." you finally say, taking anohter bite.


You are writing some maths problems down, for homework. You look out the window and imagine being on Wattpad, writing and reading. You start to get distracted by fanfiction and think of scenarios in your head. You hear a faint knock on your door. It's your mother. "What are you doing?" she asks. You snap out of it.


But that was a lie... you haven't done homework in 3 hours. Stupid Child.


"WHERE IS THAT PEN?!" you scream at your mother. 

"Look under your bed," she suggests. You sigh.

"It's not there, it won't be there!" you yell, checking anyway. It was there.


"What did you get on that quiz?" asks your friend. "I got a 93!"

You smile. "A 97."

Lies. You got a 69. Good job...

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