978 63 59

Guys, this is going to be a rant not about authors and their cliche stories, but worst.


I haven't had this problem often, but I've seen it on other stories. And it's just frankly annoying.

I present to you:

Overrated Fan-Fiction Comments That Make Me Want To Slap You

*applause* *cheers*

Anyways, let's begin.


1. The Hater Comments

The Hater Commenteers are for the purpose of hating, criticizing, and pointing out every single grammatical mistake they can see. They vote on your story, add it to their reading list, and HATE. 

Example: "Um, first of all, Amy should be 21, not 31. You can't have small typos. Also, grammar is GRAMMAR not grammer. Look it up, idiot. And let's not forget how OOC Harry is. He would never date Amy, he'd date ME. So stop this."

If I see one of these comments I will personally, as the title implies, slap you. Virtually slap you.

2. The Story Hoggers

The Story Hoggers Commenteers are for the purpose of half-complimenting you, and advertising their stories. They vote once, add it to their reading list, and comment 'Will u check out my storii?'

Example: "Hi, Maddy! I LOVE this book. Absolutely positively love it. Great job. Now what do you think of my book? Read it pls!!!!!! :))))"

If you want me to read your book, don't embarrass me in my comments, ask me nicely by inboxing me? Good idea? Thanks.

3. The Liars

The Liar Commenteers are for the purpose of FAKE complimenting you, and asking (crookedly) to 'publish' them. They won't vote, they won't add it to their reading list. They want to steal your book.

Example: "Hello, Madeline. I see your book is quite fantastic, and I think I know a person who could actually publish it. Just copy-paste your story in my inbox or e-mail, and I'll publish it for you!"

That is so rude! I will kill you!

4. The Invisible Readers (they don't comment)

The Invisible Readers aren't classified as commenteers. They don't like, don't add them to their library, they don't do anything but read. WHERE ARE THESE READS COMING FROM? Just tell people what you think!!! Don't be shy! I love comments!

Example: ""

I don't bite. That much.


WHERE ARE MY COMMENTS, GUYS? For the last 4 chapters I have had none! Don't be the silent readers.


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