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  • Присвячено the bday boy, jesus

Ho Ho Holy shit, it's Christmas. How fun, yeah? Mhm. Look at all those presents.

So, idk why but I guess since I'm not religious or something I open gifts on Christmas Eve, aka yesterday//today.

But omg Steam had a sale and I bought like 5 or 6 games. (srsly bully was like $3)


How was you guys' Christmas? :) I hope it was nice and stuff. I got a violin which I'm NOT that bad at, surprisingly. A typewriter, which is super ultra dope and cool. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (one of my favourites). I got aloooott of notebooks... Um Idk it's Christmas so I'd thought I do a chapter or people will yell at me

No but in all honesty all I did was unwrap gifts and eat pizza

I guess I'm just a bit tired lol

I guess this isn't much of an update, but you know, I'd just like to wish you all a happy holiday

Happy Kwanzaa (which is tomorrow, but not celebrated this year so whatevs)

And Hanukkah already passed, I believe or it's ending soon

But yeah

Be happy:)

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