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Salut! It's Sunday and you know what that means!


- When Amy falls in love with *insertfamouspersonsnamehere* but she doesn't know it.

I shot him a angry look, how dare he look at me during the whole *song/interview* becasue I'm Amy and I'm the worst-looking girl and get bullied even though I'm starring as a Victoria's Secret model. *famousperson* goes up to me. I feel butterflies in my stomach. What is this I'm feeling? I don't understand!

It's love you dumb bitch.

Why did he kiss me?

Because he saw that a snake bit you on the lips... not this thing called love.

"Mary... I think I like... *famousperson*"

"I could see it I know he likes you, Amy. You've got to tell him!"

I know I went over this before, but how do you just think you love someone? Either you love them or don't. DECIDE WOMAN!

- and now... A Matt Smith fanfiction by yours truly... enjoy.

"Yo I got u an audition" says my manager.

"Cool brah when?"

"2morrow 4 dis show called Panic Moon."


1 dys L8r

"Hey this wasnt in da script but that's how I'll get da rowle."


Wait it;s actually doctor who i never knew

Omg I got it wut.

"Hi. I'm Matt."

"Lul hi I'm Amy." omg whuts dis im feelin i think its love.

Then we dated an i think um prgenutnt oh wait i am.



End for today.

xx Madeline

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