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I'm afraid, dear people-reading-this-book, that I have no more things to rant about. I must abide, though, and rant about other things. This time, school. 

Let us begin.

E.L.A~ E.L.A, or, as some may put it, English Language Arts, is the fun thing that angers me to death. The thing is, I love writing. Obviously. But I hate my teacher. And the class. I have one friend- one of my best friends in there, but other than that I can't socialise with anyone. Sociopath, remmeber?

Anywholocks, my teacher is no fun. She makes writing/reading seem like death.

I believe it now.

P.E~ If you like gym, there's something wrong with you. Do you REALLY like jogging half a mile each day? And afterwards, playing basketball with strangers? Yeah, uh huh, sure you do.

Science- Excuse you, but I don't think I'll ever need to know about waves. You do NOT need that in the real word. And I already know 50% of the info. Oh, and should I mention my science teacher is 23 and half of the girls in my school who have him have a crush on him? YES. They do. Excuse me while I throw up.

Maths~ If you don't know why I'd be complaining about maths, then you are retarded. Maths is horrible.

Civics~ Because none of my teachers care that I'm moving from America, and I DON'T CARE ABOUT HOW KING GEORGE TAXED EVERYONE

(i skipped a class, yearbook, because it's amazing)

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