Crushes // OTPs

315 25 23

OTPs are basically the reason for my exsistence.

And every other fangirl's, as well. 

But what's weird is that... I started shipping at age 5. And it was Lazy Town's Stephanie and Spaortacus. Maybe that's where my puns started... I never noticed that.

I also had a crush on him... ew, he's 50. Ew ew ew ew ew ew. (Picture of him on the side)

Yeah... Weird, I know, but oh my god I knew they were my OTP. (One True Pairing. . .)

No, but, LazyTown was my life! I still love that show. #Childhood #IHateHashtags #AndIHateIrony

I'll put a link of them on the side. Totally OTPs, rightly? 

Who do you ship?

Phan? Troyler? (Of course not, Tyler is a transphobic racist who is ruuuude and I never want to meet because he also makes the world's most boring videos...)


So many hashtags in this chapter...

Um, anyways.

*straight white girl voice* WHY DO ALL THE HOT GUYS HAVE TO BE GAY OR TAKEN?

I think Dan might've ruined my expectations. Meme avec Stromae...


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