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Hi everyone! Yes I am alive! I'm sorry I didn't update ;-; I was in Tasmania and the wifi pretty much sucked so yeah. *slaps self* bad Author! Bad Author! Anyways, it is now 2am and I have taken the effort to write this even though my head is pounding and I think I may have a fever XD so please don't kill me if my writing's not up to par. Or if I put weird details. Or if I update this chapter without finishing it. I'm pretty much a coffee drinking zombie with eye bags. And possible fever. I hope you enjoy this! :D

Disclaimer: (YE only now I figure out im supposed to do this :/) I don't own TMNT. If I did, there would be more Mikey centered episodes and weird shit would be going on. And we all know TMNT is weird enuf. In a good way :3

I groan. This is getting us nowhere. For the past hour or so, we've been in Donnie's lab, trying to think of a plan to get our Mikey back with no luck.

"Do not give up my sons. I know you are frustrated and upset, but we have to be patient and have faith if we ever wish to get Michaelangelo back." We all nod, knowing Splinter's words are true.

April frowns, tapping the table with her finger. "Well...I think I have an idea. But I'm not sure it's going to work..." I stare at the crumpled piles of paper in the trash can. Eh. Why not?

"Go ahead April," Leo says. "I was thinking, if we could get Splinter or maybe Casey-" Donnie tenses at his name and I stifle a snort.

Thank god no one else notices. "-to get Mikey's attention, I can sneak up behind him and grab his shoulder. By using my powers, maybe I'll be able to bring the three of you and myself into Mikey's inner self and we'll be able to fight the darkness eating his soul."

We all exchange glances. This is the best idea we've had. I grin for the first time in days. This may actually work. But Splinter looks troubled. "April, are you sure that you will be able to get into his inner-self? It'll take a lot of concentration. What's more, once you're done, will you be able to get out?"

My smile drops. April studies her shoes. She didn't think of that either. "But Sensei, it's the best option we have. We can't wait any longer trying to think of a plan. What if the darkness devours Mikey's soul by then? We have to take the chance." Leo says.

Splinter hestitates. "Very well. April, Could you estimate the time we have left to save Michaelangelo?"

I gulp. The tension in the air is high, as well as the silence. "About Four or Five days..."

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