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Disclaimer:I do not own TMNT, but I own the plot for the fanfiction :3

A/N:Lmao my goal for today was to update my YJ fanfic and this fanfic, and I ended up watching TMNT as I wrote my YJ fanfic and now I'm watching YJ as in typing this what am I doing ;-;

Wisdom paces. "Oh no. What to do, what to do? They're going to fight. If they die, we die. If we die, Mikey dies. Gah." Anger rattles the bars. "Get me out! There has to be a way out of This! We can fight that dark Mikey!" In frustration, he then kicks the bars with his one good leg.

"Idiot. That won't do anything." Wisdom mutters, snapped out of his concentration by the kicking of the bar. Sadness starts to sob. "I want to get out of here..." Joy pats Sadness's head. "We all do, Sadness. Chin up everyone! We can do this together! We just need to remain positive and we'll find a way out. Determination, any suggestions?"

Determination ponders for a moment. "Hm, have you tried pushing open the cage?"
Wisdom face palms. "Yes. Yes we have. What makes you think it'll work anyway?"
"You didn't answer my-"
"Have we tried pushing with all our might? I mean maybe if we push long and hard enough it'll work and-"
"Oh my gosh. No. That will not work. This is why we fight everyday."

"Hey, hey, now is not the time for fighting guys!" Joy says. "Wisdom? Any ideas?"
"I've been thinking but you people keep interrupting me!"
"Right. Sorry. You get back to that. So...for now let's just continue to find things to pick the lock with..."
"Hey! Why didn't you ask for mine and Sadness's opinions?" Anger butts in.
"Do you even have any ideas?" Wisdom asks.
"No... But it would be nice to have been asked!" Anger huffs.

Joy rubs his temples. This is going nowhere. (A/N: me when I write fanfics) He looks at Wisdom, who is attentively watching all the action going on outside the cage. It made sense, After all, they may learn something that can get them out of the cage. Maybe they could bargain with Dark Mikey to let them out in exchange do something. Then again, they should not be trusting dark Mikey. They all fell silent save Sadness's crying and Anger's soft reassurances.

Joy felt a bit bothered about staying quiet and not taking charge, not saying something to lighten the mood or to at least get the other emotions to smile. It wasn't the right time so he'd just let Anger and Sadness take over for a while as the rest of them thought of a way out. At this point in time, Dark Mikey had leapt onto the wall of the maze and started taunting the turtles and playing his mind games with them. Joy could only hope that they didn't fall for his tricks to make them doubt themselves.

Joy personally disliked dark Mikey. A lot. He'd always been there. First small, then slowly growing darker as the years went by. but not powerful enough to take over. Until something happened. That caused the hole to appear and for them to get into this mess. Dark Mikey was somewhat like the normal Mikey, only he had no positive emotions. At All. Determination, Joy, You name it, nada. All he had were negative emotions, which were what made up Dark Mikey.

"Honestly Sadness, please stop crying. It's really really disturbing my concentration." Wisdom scrowled. "Shut up Wisdom. Just ignore him Sadness, he's stupid." Joy sighed. This was not going well. They'd never gotten along. All the emotions always clashed. No matter how hard he tried to keep everyone happy and at peace, they were always at each other's throats. Now that they were separated, Joy was afraid nobody would want to join back together. That would kill the others. Kill themselves. No doubt Dark Mikey would get rid of them once he'd disposed of the turtles.

The whole place was suddenly silent. "What happened?" Joy whispered to determination, who was actually listening to the whole conversation outside.
"Dark Mikey's toying with their minds."
"This isn't good," Wisdom frowns. "Look at their faces. They're obviously taking what he's saying seriously. At this rate, he's going to take over Mikey's body for real."
Joy shook his head. "Don't be so pessimistic. They'll pull through. I know it. They're doing it for us...well Mikey, who's technically us, so they won't let words cloud their judgement."

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