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Mikey's POV
I stared at Donnie as he lay on the stretcher that he inserted in the shellraizer in case any of us got hurt, skin pale green.

Man, I didn't mean for him to get hurt that bad. Leo said that when Snakeweed took him and waved him around, not to mention drop him, he was in a way worse condition than before. "You couldn't do just one thing Mikey! One thing!" Raph growled, fury lighting up his face as he turned to face me.

"It's not my fault! I wasn't expecting Snakeweed to come and he did knock me unconscious just now. What could I have done?" I said softly. My face was stinging from face-planting on the floor and passing out.

"You could have fought harder! You're always goofing off! You never take things seriosuly, almost got killed Twice tonight, had I not saved you, and you managed to let Don get even more hurt than he is now!" Raph yelled.

I flinched and sunk deeper into my seat. "Raph's right Mikey, you can't keep fooling around. You've already hurt Donnie, I don't want you to hurt yourself. I know you have the most raw talent in you Mikey, why don't you make the most of it when fighting?" Leo asked. Raph scoffed. "Mikey? Raw talent? Please. Pizza has more raw talent than Mikey, and it doesn't even do anything!"

I scrowl at Raph as he laughs his head off, Leo merely frowning as he concentrates on driving. They really don't know how much I sacrifice for them. Yet they still push me around because they think I'm useless. They're probably right.

"...April..." Donnie mumbled. I snorted. Even when he was hurt and unconscious, he was still like a lovesick puppy. "What're you snorting about?" Leo asked. "Donnie was calling for April in his sleep," I replied. "Yeah right. I didn't hear anything," Raph said. "He did! He really did!" I protested. "Uh huh. You just want us to believe he's okay so we won't blame you for anything again. Not gonna happen Mikey," Raph said, unbelieving.

"Aw C'mon! Why don't you guys trust me?" I asked as the shellraizer slowed down to a stop. I didn't realise we reached the lair already. Maybe I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts. "You don't give us any reason to! We can't leave you alone without you screwing up, and you always prank us! You lose my comics, you nearly killed Donnie tonight, heck, I don't think you can do anything without tripping! Some ninja you are!" Raph yelled as he and Leo grabbed both ends of the stretcher with Donnie and got out of the Shellraizer, leaving me standing there, hurt growing in the pit of my stomach.

I heard Raph, Leo and Splinter muttering outside. As I exited the shellraizer, Leo and Raph headed towards their rooms and I spotted the end of Master Splinter's tail disappearing into Donnie's lab. He was probably gonna help him with his concussion. Suddenly, I heard the angry yells of Raph and Leo echoing throughout the lair. I ran to their rooms and gaped at the sight in front of me.

Raph and Leo were doused in Maple Syrup, Feathers and some glitter. Oh gosh! I forgot I rigged both their doors with buckets of the mixture! Oh shell. Now I was really in for it. At the sight of me, Leo and Raph glared. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead already.

"MIKEY!!!" They both yelled. I got ready to run, panic rising, but Raph had already grabbed my arm and twisted it painfully. "Ow!" I yelped. Maple syrup with glitter and feathers oozed onto my arm. "Why'd you do that Mikey?! Huh? You think it's funny to prank us like that after a mission? Havent you done enough?! We're tired as it is, but now we're gonna have to spend extra time in the shower getting this off!" Raph yelled.

"At least you'll get extra time in the shower," I mumbled, hoping it would somehow make them change their minds of wanting to strange me to death. Leo sighed in agitation. This was one of the rare times I have ever seen him this mad.

"Mikey, I have had enough. You need to grow up! You don't focus enough on training or missions! All you care about is food, pranking, having fun and nothing else! You have to change your attitude! You don't see me Raph or Donnie doing anything like this do you?" I flinched as Leo went on and on, lecturing me about my attitude. Did they really hate it that much? I mean, I only did all that in attempts to lighten the mood or cheer them up...I never meant for them to hate me that much.

"What is going on in here?!" We all turned our heads to see Master Splinter walking towards us, scrowling. "You have to keep quiet! Donatello is resting!" I bowed my head, too ashamed to look at Splinter. I caused all this. Everything was my fault.

Leo started ranting about everything I was doing wrong, Raph chiming in once in a while to add hurtful things. The hurt of knowing I was hated that much by my own brothers grew and I found myself trying to hold back tears. After listening to Leo and Raph, Splinter sent them off to shower and asked me to see him in his room.

I walked slowly behind him, head down and shoulders drooping. Splinter closed the door to his room and handed me a cup of tea which I drained quickly, enjoying the warmth spreading through my body. "Do not worry my son. They do not know. They don't even mean the things they say," I looked up in surprise.

I honestly expected Splinter to scold me, not comfort me. "How can you be so sure Sensei? All I try to do is cheer them up, lighten the mood. I sacrifice so much for them, yet I'm still such a screw up...they think I'm useless," I sniffed. Splinter wiped away the tear that was sliding down my cheek.

"You are not useless Michaelangelo. You and I both know you are very talented. I am proud of you for who you are, and nothing will change that." I smiled slightly. "But I just...Sensei, I don't know how long I can keep this up. I try to be cheerful all the time for them, but to be honest, lately it's been hard. Sometimes I just want to stop the facade. I'm tired of keeping it up. Always smiling even though the smile is fake. But I know if I do, they're not gonna be able to handle their stress and everything...I just don't know what to do," I frowned.

Splinter smiled slightly. "Do you want to meditate on it to make you feel better?" I nodded. Together, we sat Indian-style on the ground and I closed my eyes, concentrating hard and slowed my breathing....
A/N: Sorry it's so long :p Im trying to squeeze everything into one Chappie...do u see the cycle of the chapters? It's Frm Oldest to youngest X3 Thanks for comments and Votes! You guys r da best :3 I am so excited, I am gonna write the next chap straight away and update soon! Yay! Lol I'm so caught up in this story, im not updating my others .-. I'm a bad author ;-; Anyway hoped U guys liked it! Have a great day/night whatever timezone you're in!

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