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Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT or the characters. I do own this fanfiction though.

A/N: Okay I lied. That wasn't the last chapter. This is :D Sorry ._.
All the endings will be revealed soon! There are more than a few! 5 Bad endings, 3 Good endings, and 1 True ending. I think I'll post them separately so that it isn't too crammed into one chapter.

The blade didn't strike. I open my eyes, and Dark Mikey dropped the dagger. Dark energy surrounded him, enveloping him. "What's... Happening?" He asks, voice trembling as he stares at his hands which are shaking. I step back and run to Donnie. The ground near Dark Mikey starts shaking.

"It's an overdrive." Donnie says smugly. "You fell for our trick and tried to get more power to escape. What you didn't know was that it would cause an over drive which would be giving you what you wanted, but at the same time it would weaken and destroy you. There's no going back now. You can't stop it,"

Dark Mikey panics. "Impossible! You've got to be joking! I can't disappear, I'm a part of Mikey! If I'm gone..." "Oh, but you're just a manifestation in Mikey's system. Anger and Sadness are the negativities in Mikey, and you're not supposed to be a part of him. So if you're gone, it would be much better for everybody."

"You don't know that!" Dark Mikey's face is fading. So are his hands. "You don't know it won't kill Mikey!" Donnie's face tenses. "It's better than letting you escape into the real world and killing everybody."

His hands are practically translucent. The Darkness crackles like electricity and speeds up, causing the ground around Dark Mikey to crack and for the pieces to fly up and swirl around him in the darkness. "Raph. You have to finish him. It's the only way to make sure he stays down instead of letting him grow stronger and stronger," Donnie says. "It would be nice for you to hurry it up! We're sort of fading here!" Anger adds.

I pale. He can't be serious. I step up to Dark Mikey, grab the Katana that I had dropped earlier with the arm that hadn't been stabbed. How does Donnie expect me to do this? I hear Sadness's yelps and Realise that Anger's almost completely gone. Only his head is left. Half of Sadness's body is gone. I turn to the other emotions. Joy, Wisdom and Determination are still holding on, but they're not too far behind from Anger. The Emotions are going to fade soon. Dammit.Do it Raph. Do it for your brothers. Do it for Splinter.

As I'm about to deal the final blow, Mikey stares up at me with hurt and innocent eyes brimming with tears. I falter. Mikey. Could he have been in there the whole time? "Raph...please don't hurt me.." It's a trick. I know it is. But I can't bring myself to hurt my little brother... "Raph! It's not Mikey! Just do it!" "Raph please...Raph..." Mikey sobs. I close my eyes. It's just a trick. I have to do it or the real Mikey will be gone for good. I tighten my grip around the Katana, and stab it deep into the heart of my brother.

His scream sends a tear down my cheek. I did it. I don't look as he disappears. I fall to my knees as I drop the bloody blade. I don't want to touch it. I don't want to see it ever again.
Leo is awake now, but still dazed. April on the other hand is wide awake and although suffering from bruises and a sprained ankle, is fine. The emotions are back to normal. That must be a good sign. We succeeded. Donnie's wound has stopped bleeding thank goodness, and my shoulder has stopped bleeding too. Great. Now I won't be able to use my arm for another Few months, according to Donnie.

Sadness shudders as he recounts his experience to the other emotions, who ran to help him and Anger as soon as Dark Mikey disappeared, along with the cage.

"I...I almost lost it... While we were acting. It was okay at first but... Gradually it kept getting harder and harder to know right from wrong, and I think I lost control at one point. I'm thankful we didn't end up doing anything to any of you,"

"The important thing is that we're safe now. All of us. no one's dead. Our brothers can return home and we all can be together again," Joy says. "Do you think Mikey will know this happened?" Leo asks. Donnie shakes his head. "Probably not. It'll probably be a dream of some sort to him. I'm not even sure if we'll remember this. But whatever it is, we can go back knowing that Dark Mikey is gone for good."

"So, how are we gonna get home?" "What? You want to leave already? I'm hurt," Joy says mockingly. "It would be nice to return to the real world, yes," Donnie smiles. And I do too. I'll never be able to unsee what happened in here, and my little brother's memories will always remind me of how much he loves us despite how we hurt him.

"Thanks for saving us. I knew you could do it," Determination grins. "Please try not to kill yourselves after this whole incident. You especially Raph. Don't go up to the surface until you're fully healed," Wisdom nags. I roll my eyes. "Whatever," A smile makes its way across my face.
Wisdom gets April to crouch down and he whispers something in her ear. She turns red and he snorts.

I don't even want to know what that was about.

Donnie looks like he wants to strangle Wisdom.

"So... April, can you get us out the same way you got us in?" April nods. "Yep, but it'll take some time. Huh. I'm actually kind of curious as to why Splinter didn't try to communicate with me for quite some time. He did at once, but stopped after."

Donnie pales. "That means we've been in here so long that we went into a comatose state! We need to get out soon, or the barrier between the two worlds will close and we'll be stuck here forever. The only reason why Splinter couldn't reach you would be because he didn't want to risk killing you or putting you into a vegetable state for life,"

We say quick goodbyes, Anger and I fist pumping and I hug sadness. Leo and Joy exchange a few words while Donnie and Wisdom annoy each other for the last time. Determination just eggs April on as she concentrates on finding a doorway out.

"Found it," She says after a few minutes. The last thing I see is the emotions as they wave. Then I find myself lying on a bed, an IV tube attached to my arm. My shoulder is stitched up. Looks like the wounds we sustained went with us to the physical world just as Donnie predicted. I groan and sit up, and see Leo, Donnie and April doing the same.

"Guys! You're awake!" Casey grins. "Red, I was so worried about you! By the time I came over all of you were in comas and we couldn't disturb you or we'd risk killing you," Master Splinter smiles. "You have succeeded my sons. I sense no dark presence in Michaelangelo anymore, and he is sleeping soundly." Donnie's wound had been dealt with and Leo's bruises don't look as bad as they did in Mikey's head.

"How long were we out for?" Leo asks.
We all can't believe the answer. It's almost been a month.
"I guess time passed by faster than we knew it in Mikey's head," April says. "Yeah, it only felt like a week at most," Donnie agrees.

"It doesn't matter my sons. All that matters is that you succeeded and we are together as a family again. Now tell me about what happened while you were in Michaelangelo's mind. We exchange glances and grin. This will be one heck of a story to tell.

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