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Raph's POV
(I do not own the drawing btw. It is owned by Golzy Blazey ((aka Goldzillakiller or Bladedee)) and she is the BEST Tmnt drawer ever! Check out her TMNT comic 'Behind the darkness' on Deviantart. you will not regret it. She is awesome! Also check out the sequel Night Protecter! Okay that is all now. Baiiii!)

I open my eyes groggily, trying to blink the sleep away. That's funny. Usually when I wake up, I can smell Mikey's cooking. Now I don't smell anything. Speaking of the little devil... I'm still covered in some paint and glitter...well, his funeral. He'll get the beating of his life during training. To be honest, I'm not really that mad at him anymore, but I'm sore and even more so thanks to Mikey's stupid prank. He deserves it.

I jump out of bed and pet Spike, who is sleeping on the nightstand next to my bed, and grab my sais.

I try to avoid my huge drum set which takes up a lot of space in my room because the last time I tripped over it and woke everyone up in the middle of the night, Well, let's just say that Splinter really hates being woken up at night. He thought I was Shredder.

I step outside my room, but something feels off to me. What is it? I survey the lair, the empty couch, the turned off TV..that's funny. I thought Leo would be awake by now.

The smell of burnt food drifted through the lair, the only sound that filled the seemingly Emp-
The sound. Holy mother of mutants, that was it. The sound. Now that I think about it, why is it so quiet? Where's Mikey?

I think back to last night. We did give him a pretty harsh scolding..don't tell me the nitwit ran away like he did when we were 11. That nearly scared the tail off master Splinter. We found him, but he seemed to be fine and didn't want to come back. It was only after Splinter talked to him when he agreed to come back. The numbskull, is he trying to get himself killed, give Splinter a heart attack, or both? Either way, I've gotta find the little shellbrain. I walk past the dojo, but unexpectedly hear the noise of skin punching the tough fabric of the sandbags.

Wait, if Don was still unconscious, and judging by the smell of burnt food, Leo was cooking....who was in the training room? I peeked inside and got the shock of my life.

Mikey?! What the shell! He had his bandana on, face...Concentrated! For once! He stared at the punching bag and started attacking it with the best ninja moves I had never expected to come from..Mikey. What the shell happened? Did he turn into a master of Ninjitsu overnight?
"Mikey?" I ask warily as I step into the room.

"Yes Raph?" He replies, not taking his eyes off the punching bag. "How the shell did you do..whatever you just did?" Mikey stared at me, and It was like staring at the empty shell of my little brother. His once energetic, bright blue and playful looking eyes were now dull, grey and souless.

Holy shell what the heck happened to him?! Did he take drugs?! Where did the shellbrain even get them?

"I simply took your advice last night. Grew up. I mastered a few tricks for ninjitsu and was training the whole night. I managed to focus as well. So I can perform the kicks and punches with speed and agility." Okay this is definitely NOT mikey. I never knew he could say that many big words in the same sentence nor talk like he was a robot.

"Alright then...I'm gonna get some food...." I slowly walk out of the room, feeling his eyes staring at me and shudder. When I'm out of his sight, I run. I run for the kitchen. "Leo! Leo! Some...Something's wrong with Mikey!" "You noticed it too?" I nod, eyes wide. "His, his eyes! And his way of talking and now he's training! He fights real good now! Not that I'm against that but Leo I really don't know what's going on!"

Leo shushes me. "Don is sleeping. He woke up an hour ago and Is feeling much better, but he went back to sleep. I don't want you to wake him again."

"Leo, what happened? He said he was following our advice! We're we too harsh on him? I mean look at him! He's like a cross between all three of us!"

Leo sighs. "Raph, last night I had this dream..." He then tells me about the dream and what splinter said, Mikey's weird behavior, and that we should keep an eye on him. "We should tell Don about this right?" I ask. "Indeed Raphael," I jump, startled by Splinter's sudden appearance. "Sensei," I greet him.

"We need To tell Donatello of your brother's behaviour. We all need to watch him closely. I sense a dark presence in his mind. I fear he may be lost to it...forever."

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