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Donnie's POV
I spun my Bo-staff, knocking all the footbots surrounding me to the ground. Despite how many of them we defeated, we were fighting a losing battle. There were more than 40 footbots, and with Tigerclaw fighting us as well, we would most certainly lose this fight. We were outnumbered eleven to one. Even if we could somehow win, we would most certainly be half dead.

I felt a sharp pain in my shell as I flew backwards, smashing agaisnt a wall. Oh shell. That hurt. I lay on the floor, dazed as I noticed the blurry image of a swaying Tigerclaw that seemed to multiply and then go back to one again.

Tigerclaw ran forwards, a huge paw in the air as he went for the kill. I closed my eyes and braced myself. My short 15 years of life flashed before my eyes. Huh. I guess it was true when they said that happened when you were about to die. Funny. I thought that was a rumour. Nothing happened.

I opened my eyes slowly and attempted to stand up. The world swayed around me and I tried to clear my head by shaking it. That just made everything worse. Stupid stupid stupid Don! You know you can't do that! I reprimanded myself. Then again, I wasn't really in the best shape of mind. Eh. Guess it was excusable.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder. "It's okay, Don. Leo got him," I Recognised the voice as Raph's. 'Him' was obviously Tigerclaw. Raph helped me walk and supported me as I slowly staggered across the battle ground. "Where...we...going?" I asked, words slurred together as I struggled to speak. My head was pounding like a hammer and it was killing me.

"I'm taking you to the shellrazor. You'll be safe there. Just hang in there buddy. Almost there." I smiled slightly at the way Raph spoke. Though he didn't show it, he definitely would get pretty concerned for us if we were hurt. Suddenly, some footbots jumped in front of us, blocking the way out. Mikey was there, though I couldn't see much except a blurry figure, his back towards me. I knew it was him because of the nunchucks swinging.

"Mikey! I told you to distract them!" Raph growled. "I couldn't hold them off! Too many!" Mikey yelled. "Get Donnie to the shellrazor! I'll deal with these suckers!" Raph scrowled. Mikey nodded and Raph's big buff arm was replaced by Mikey's small one. "C'mon D, you can do it. We are the B-team," Mikey grinned. I groaned. "Don't call us that," I mumbled crossly.

I tried to shuffle as quick as I could. My view was clearing slightly and I could see better, but my head was not spared from the pain. In fact, it kept getting worse by the second. I may be having a minor concussion, judging by the symptoms...oh shell, I need some asprin. I saw the Shell Razor up ahead. I hoped I remembered to put Asprin in my medical kit. This headache was killing me.

"Okay Donnie, we're here. C'mon, get on the chair," Mikey hoisted me up with as much strength as he could muster, that thankfully, was enough to get me on the Shellrazor, and I threw myself on a chair, not caring whose it was. "Can I get sm Assprin?" I asked. I was a little irritated my words were still slurred. Seriously, improper english was my pet peeve.

"Knock knock turtles," I froze. That voice sounded familiar. Everything was too swirled up in my head for me to know who. I couldn't pass out now. Who knew what could happen? "Snakeweed!" Mikey yelled. Before anyone could say 'Pizza', I felt something being wrapped around my shell and I was lifted into the air.

I yelped and realised it was Snakeweed's arm. "Let go of my brother!" Mikey yelled, grabbing the arm and tugging at it and preventing me from getting taken. Snakeweed snarled, pulling me harder. It wasn't hard to guess who would win this 'tug-of-war' match, with me being the rope.

Just as I guessed, Snakeweed yanked me hard enough for Mikey to fall flat on his face. "Told you I'd get my revenge turtle," he hissed. I couldn't move, my head was pounding, everything was blurry, I was being turtle-napped by a mutant weed monster...Yep, certainly not my day. Suddenly, Snakeweed cried out in agony. In my ear. I winced. Definitely not my day. The grip around my loosened and I felt myself hurtling towards the ground.

If I hit the ground, I would definitely die or get Paralysed. Or my shell would crack. All of the possibilities were not good. Someone caught me in the nick of time. "Hurry! Start the shellrazor!"

It was Leo. I heard footsteps pounding against the ground, and the headache grew more intense as I moved about. I wanted to tell Leo to stop moving me so much, but I was just really tired. I felt myself being put down somewhere. Wow, this is soft for a floor. Donnie, you must be pretty crazy to be thinking a floor is soft. And talking to yourself in third person point of view....

I heard the engine starting. I sighed softly as I felt myself drifting to sleep.

A/N: YAYYYY! LONG CHAPPIIEEEE! Or At least I think it's long O.O I have no idea. Thanks so much for all the views! I did not expect so many .-. I hope I did good :D I tried to include as many thoughts that DONNIE would probably think as possible. Well, COMMENT, RATE AND SUBSCRIBE! Oh wait. Not YouTube. Sorry :p COMMENT VOTE READ AND ADD TO YOUR READING LIST!!! :D that's what all the buttons are there for! And in case you are asking, this is NOT slash. Okay? I don't really like Yaoi because it makes me uncomfortable .-. I KNW. I'm weird. if ur a hater, I will still like you because I know how much that pisses you haters off :3 THIS IS ONLY BROTHERLY FLUFF AS I DO NOT SHIP THE TURTLES. I ONLY SHIP THEM WITH APRIL AND KARAI. E.G. APRILTELLO AND KALEO. I AM AGAINST CAPRIL JUST BECAUSE. SO YEAH. I DONT KNOW WHY IM TYPING IN CAPS. IM JUST THAT AWESOME. OKAY NOW. BYE.

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