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I growl. "Great job, Leo! You led us into a trap!" I say sarcastically. "Me? How is this my fault?" Leo asks. "I dunno. Just fun to see you angry," I tease him and his face turns as red as my bandana.

(Idk how to spell either .-. Sowwieee! I'm not worthy of the fandom! *cries*) Before Leo can make an angry remark, Tigerclaw gives the signal to attack and we are swamped by Footbots and Mutants alike. "

"BOOYAKASHAAA!" Mikey yells as he swings his nunchucks, taking out all the footbots in the surrounding area. I take my sais out of the pockets in my belt and swiftly stab the footbots with them.

A rush of adreline sweeps through me and the tiredness I felt from the climb was no more. I can hardly see my brothers in the fight, but even if I could, I would be too busy fighting tons of the foot and Fishface to help them.

"Come get me you overgrown piece of walking sushi!" I taunt fishface, narrowly missing having my head kicked off and a bite from his venomous teeth. I did not need that poison again. No way, not after last time. Donnie said I thought he was a unicorn and Mikey said I kept praising him. Yep. That's how messed up I was. Praising Mikey? No way.

I let out a battle cry as I charge at Fishface, trying to fend off the other footbots at the same time. Suddenly, I feel something hit me in the shell and I smash against the ground. I turn around the best as I could with the weight on me. "MIKEY!" I push him off, to which he responded with an 'oomph'.

"Fight off the footbots! Fishface is mine!" I snarl.
"But Rahzar-"
"just do it Mikey!"
I dodge a punch from Fishface and jabb the bottom of my sai at his side. He hisses in pain. "Thank you Donnie," I muttered as he collapsed. Looks like Donnie's science lessons on fishes or random animals paid off. I smacked him in the gills.

"You can't get me fools! I am the great," Mikey swings his nunchucks, taking down four footbots as he yells. "and awesome," He continues, sticking the sharp end of the nunchuck in one of them. "MICHAELANGELO!" He finished, impaling two other footbots with the end. "Look Raph! Footbots kebabs!" Mikey grinned.

I am about to respond with a sarcastic remark when I spot Rahzar lurking behind. "Mikey! Look out!" I yell pushing Mikey out of the way. And just in time too. I feel the air between Rahzar's fist and my shell as I dive past.

That was where Mikey had been just moments before. We crash onto the ground again. "Get your big butt off me Raph!" Mikey whines. I pull him up and hit his head. "You could have gotten yourself or me hurt or killed! The least you could do is say sorry!" I yell.

Not bothering to wait for a reply, I charge into the heat of the battle, trying to find Donnie and Leo to see how they were holding up. Let Mikey take care of the footbots. If he was going to take such stupid risks, at least let him battle the things that would not hurt him if he got careless enough.

A/N:See? Told Ya I would update soon! In less than 20 minutes! :p anyway hope u enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry I'm not a very Raph, Leo or Donnie person, so I can't write from their POV that well. Sorry for bad quality of writing. I'm not in the zone today if u KNW what I mean. I think I'm gonna stop for now and continue tomorrow? Okay? Okay. Good that. I think I'm gona ask @Striketheninjafoldie on advice for writing Raph. She is a REAL RAPHAEL kind of person. And @Isis8202 & @Donnieisaturtle for Don...yeah! I should do that! Don't fret my readers! (Which for now is only 1... Sadface) I will improve because I love you all and want U guys to have fun reading <3 Byeeeeee!

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