No one's POV

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Third person POV (Because I can. And I don't wanna go to Leoooo im A lazy Larry....)

Mikey opened his eyes and find himself in a bright room filled with everything He loved. Pizza, pictures of his brothers, splinter and him, and many other things like his comics and stuff.

He was glad for the light. He really hate the dark. Mikey'd been terrified of it since He was a kid, and lightning had caused a black out. Raph took the advantage and put on a creepy clown mask, creeped up behind Mikey and scared him half to death. Mikey had been scared ever since, having nightmares about creepy clowns coming and trying to kill him.

He figured this place was probably his mind or something since it had all the things he liked. Suddenly, a voice sounded in the room. And Mikey Recognised it as Leo's. "Choose, Michaelangelo!" Mikey turned, confused, trying to find Leo. Suddenly the ground shook and Mikey fell face flat on the floor...again.

He groaned and sat up, shocked. There was a door in front of him. It was shaking as if there was something behind it wanting to be let out. Mikey had a bad feeling about what was behind the door. It sent chills down his spine and the room had lost its warm glow.

"You have to choose, Mikey. Behind this door is whatever you've been hiding since we were kids. It's time to let it out. Choose Between Unlocking your true potential, growing up and making us proud, or being immature and forever goofing off, being totally useless and untrustworthy. Your choice," This time Raph spoke, only the way he spoke was too formal for him.

"Do..Do I have to?" Mikey asked, uncertain. "Yeah you numbskull! What do you think?! Words of advice, stop being such a shell brain and just grow up. It'll be better for everyone," Raph spoke. Now this was the Raph Mikey knew. Mikey hesiated. What should he do? Keep up the facade or just do what his brothers wanted him to do and grow up? The answer seemed pretty obvious.

But the words Master Splinter had said years ago kept coming back to his mind. "You are perfect the way you are Michaelangelo, the bubbly prankster who we all know and love. Your brothers may not show it much, but they love you and care for you. Don't change yourself for the sake of some words said. Anger takes over even the best of us." "I think I'm gonna stay the way I am. Even if I don't like doing it, it's for you guys," Mikey said firmly.

"Are you sure Mikey?" It's Donnie. "You know you're gonna keep messing things up for everyone by staying this way. You're not helping at all, if anything, making things worse. Who was the one who let me get captured by Snakeweed and Almost got killed, having Raph putting his life on the line to save you?" Mikey saw the truth in that. But..what would Master Splinter want him to do? "Listen Mikey! Stop hesitating! You're gonna keep endangering us this way! You've gotta make sure you stop screwing up and the only way to do that is to unlock your true potential! You don't want to see us dead, knowing it's all your fault, do you?"

Gory images filled his mind of Leo, Donnie and Raph lying dead on the ground, bloody and battered, telling him it was all his fault for their deaths.... Those were the same nightmares Mikey had had just a year ago. Now they were back. "Make it stop!" Mikey yelled, tears dropping as he dropped on his knees, trying to stop the images and voices in his head. They were too much. Was he going crazy?

"The only way is to choose.." His brothers said in unison. Mikey sobbed as he stood up and staggered towards the door. The pictures were too much. The voices were worse. He almost killed Donnie. He could do that to everyone else. It dawned on him he was too dangerous to his brothers the way he was. He had to make things right. He didn't want them to die.

He grabbed the handle of the door, using all his strength, he pulled it open. Darkness flew out, and started spreading everywhere. He lay on the ground, sobbing continuously as the darkness engulfed everything in the room and covered all the corners. At least my brothers are gonna be safe. I'm not gonna end up killing them.. Mikey thought as the darkness surrounded him.

He smiled slightly just as the darkness pounced. Gone was the old Michaelangelo. Now it was time for the new one to take over.

A/N: wow. This was deep. And it escalated quickly. Hope you enjoyed it! New Chappie up soon! I wanna thank u guys for the views! Not expecting it to be so much ^_^ not that I'm complaining! Anyway things are gonna get waaaaay deeper and a bit more fluffier in the next few chaps. Okay the whole book will be fluffy and deep but what the heck right? If u guys want to suggest, feel free to do so in the comments :) In case Ur wondering, I made up the room part and the door thing with the darkness....ER the nightmares...I have is sad :P but as I always say, when life gives u lemons, take em' Cuz free crud is awesome! Lawl XD I NEEDA sleep's late. Goodbye readers! :D

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