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Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT or its characters, but I do own this fanfiction. :D

A/N: This will be the chapter before I start all the different endings. Wow. It's been a long journey. Mainly because I kept delaying the chapters ._. Thanks so much for reading this! I don't know how this got to 7K but it did. :D I love you all. Seriously. Thanks for pushing me to update when I didn't feel like it or wanted to delete the story because I felt it wasn't going anywhere. But here we are. Almost at the end. I will edit this because I'm aware my grammar and Shiz is complete Doo Doo. Lol you don't want to hear me rant. Let's end the story together shall we?

After missions, we would always feel sore. For instances like when we were first attacked by the Shredder, it took weeks for us to fully recover, and those weeks were excruciatingly long, dull and painful.

Take that pain and multiply it by about a thousand, and you've got what Dark Mikey was hitting us with. I hate to admit it, but He's strong. Even stronger than the Shredder. I could hardly imagine what would happen if we couldn't defeat him. What kind of chaos would he cause in the physical world?

He'd been tormenting with our minds and kicking our butts for so long. I'm more tired out than I've ever been in my life, and that's saying something since Splinter's training is normally Physically and mentally taxing, taking up lots of stamina and patience to be perfect in. I lacked in the latter.

My senses are a huge mess of muffled sounds and ringing in my ears. A metallic taste fills my mouth and it takes me a while to register the fact that I'm lying on the ground, eyes closed and barely breathing. I think one of my ribs could be broken. Then again everything hurts so for all I know, all my bones are broken.

I hear the shouts of Anger and Sadness, and I'm not sure if it's just me hallucinating, but Sadness is not crying at all, and is instead yelling. I can't hear what he says clearly.

I force my eyes open. Leo is next to me, bruised all over and unconscious. I can hardly tell where the green on his face is. Even his eye is swollen. The world spins and although my vision becomes better and I can make out Leo's form better, It's still hard to hear. Yep. Much worse than any fight I've ever experienced before.

The shouting continues. The ringing in my ears isn't as deafening anymore, thank goodness, and I struggle to move. I don't see April or Donnie. But I heard Donnie saying something, so what's going on? I force myself to move my head to the left, despite the protests from my aching body, and see April next to me.

She's not as badly hurt as Leo, thank goodness, but she's not conscious, that's for sure. Anger and Sadness keep shouting and I feel like telling them to shut up do that the ringing won't be too bad. I try to sit up, my body screaming and I cringe. Yup. Definitely broke something.

Instead I tilt my head upwards , seeing an upside down version of Dark Mikey grabbing Donnie's neck. He's bleeding. I feel like jumping up and pummelling that idiot for doing that to Donnie, but I can't. I didn't realise how close we were to Dark Mikey. The tang of blood in my mouth is as bitter as ever, and I fight the urge to spit it out.

Well whatever Sadness and Anger were yelling it must have been good because whatever they said prevented Dark Mikey and Donnie from seeing me awake and moving around. Or at least seeing my head move. I reach for my Sai only to find it missing from its usual spot. It's next to April, more than a few metres away and nearly impossible for me to reach without being seen. The closest weapon is Leo's katana, which I figure is a good idea since I can not only support myself with it, but I can fight with it too.

Leo shouldn't be too mad at me. Hopefully. Just as I manage to grab Leo's Katana, Dark Mikey drops Donnie without warning, causing him to fall onto the ground with a loud thump. I just hope his shell didn't crack. The blood pools onto the ground. I hear Donnie take deep breaths that only make me feel more infuriated. My brother was getting strangled to death and was bleeding his life away. While here I was, unable to do anything.

I try to call Donnie in the softest voice possible, but he has a frustrated and defeated look on his face, like he always does when his plans or inventions are a bust. What happened? Then it clicks. He was discussing a plan to defeat Dark Mikey with the emotions. So Anger and Sadness were probably yelling as a distraction. So what was he so upset about?

Then said emotions appear next to Dark Mikey, and they exchange some words. I can only hear parts of their sentences, but as I see their faces, I know what they're discussing is not good. And judging by the look on Donnie's face, I'm probably right. "I have a much better idea.." Dark Mikey smirks. I celebrate inwardly at my regained hearing, but, the celebration is short lived.

Darkness consumes Sadness and Anger, and they scream. Black runs through their veins and I notice Anger's shell disappearing. Sadness is still intact, but if this keeps up... I panic. Even though I have no idea what's going on. But whatever he's doing can't be good. Dark Mikey laughs. "Did you really think I would fall for that trick? As if I wouldn't see through your act. Well, since you were willing volunteers, I will use you to get out of this prison of a mind. Thank you,"

What? "Donnie, what's going on?" I ask. Donnie looks at me, terror written plainly on his face. "I...We.. the plan..." I untie Donnie's bandana, and press it down on his wound to try stop the bleeding. "Raph," Donnie says, giving me the look that makes me seem like the younger and more immature brother.

"No. You need help with this, and-" Anger and Sadness scream. Mikey's screams. They're in danger too. Donnie nods, and puts his hands on his own wound, signalling that he can take care of it himself. "If you don't stop him, he'll get to the real world. To Splinter, to everybody. Don't let that happen." I stand, Katana in hand, ignoring the pain. I have no idea what the plan originally was, but whatever it is, I only have one clear goal.

Dark Mikey smirks. "Ah, this feels so good. All the power coursing through my veins. How could I thank you enough? When I leave and all of you are dead corpses on the ground, long forgotten?"

I bring the blade down on where Dark Mikey is, but he disappears, and the katana hits the ground, making a mark. He tuts disapprovingly, sighing. "Haven't you learnt? You can't do that," dark Mikey is on the other side of Anger and Sadness, and their screams continue.

"I'm more powerful now than ever Raphael. That is all the more reason not to try to attack me without me noticing. That's a foolish thing to do. Brave, but foolish." I hear a groan, and turn my head to see Leo struggling to open his eyes.

Big mistake. Dark Mikey charges, stabbing a dagger into my shoulder, grabbing my other shoulder with an iron grip to hold me in place. I yell as he twists the blade, making the wound bigger and deeper. "Raph!" Donnie yells. Dark Mikey holds me in place, twisting the blade slowly and enjoying feeling the muscles get turned to mush. I try not to look down, not wanting to see the red and white.

"I didn't get to have as much fun with Donnie, but look! All his blood looks so nice on the ground," How is the darkness consuming Anger and Sadness still there? He must really be that powerful to torment people and get them both at the same time. Multitasking was never Mikey's forte. But this isn't Mikey, I remind myself. No matter how similar they looks

"I'll get to have more fun with you! Won't that be great? And Leo is waking up too! Let's see if little miss April wakes up so she can enjoy the show too!" Dark Mikey grins, an insane look in his eyes.

Dark Mikey takes the dagger out, and the my head pounds. Blood is everywhere. On me, the dagger, Dark Mikey, the ground. Well this will certainly be a traumatic experience hard to recover from. If we ever get out. "Hm, where should we cut next? My gut tells me to go for the neck, but that'll be less interesting to watch. Oh well. I guess I could just play around for a little. I do have four playthings. And many more on the outside."

I stare him in the eyes, trying to find a little humanity in them. Surely there must be some. How could my little brother, the one I grew up with and played with and trained with, the one who played so many pranks on us and never failed to make us smile, how could he be the one about the kill me now?

Dark Mikey laughs. "Trying to find him? Don't bother. You won't." He brings the dagger back. Is his how it ends? Being killed by my own brother? I could think of a million better ways to die.

I close my eyes. The last thing I want to see is my brother murdering me. You know when they say your life flashes before you before you die? That's complete rubbish. Because the only thing I felt was fear and pain, and the only thing I saw was the darkness. The same darkness I was about to embrace when he stabbed me.

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