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Disclaimer:I do not own TMNT. I wished I did. ;-;

A/N:DID YOU GUYS SEE THE NEW EPISODEEEEEEE :D I ship Mona Lisa and Raph. :3 I can't wait for the next episode to come out :DD If you haven't watched it yet, what are you waiting for? Go watch it :D
better to watch quality television with quality work and plot compared to reading something stupid a random teenager thought of because she had nothing better to do. ..

"Oh yeah? We're not the ones who should be trying not to die. The one who should be worried is you." I snort. "We overpower you four to one."

The Dark figure of Mikey chuckles arrogantly. Oh I hate that guy so much. He thinks he's so good. We'll show him. "What are you laughing at? I'd like to see your face when we pummel you to the ground!"

Dark Mikey smirks. "I'd like to see you try." We all lunge at him, but my Sai meets thin air. Dark Mikey had dodged my Attack, quick as lightning. I growl and Attack again, only for my blows to be deflected easily. "are you even trying, turtles?" Dark Mikey laughs. None of our attacks are hitting him. This is bad.

Sweat pours down my forehead, and Dark Mikey taunts us more. Don't get mad Raph. That's exactly what he wants to happen. Even Leo looks frustrated with him.

"Ugh. You guys are boring me." Dark Mikey yawns casually. Out of the blue, my legs are knocked out underneath me, and I fall to the ground on my shell, pain shooting through my body, chest heaving and blood roaring in my ears. Everyone else seems to have suffered the same fate.

Dark Mikey appears on the wall of the maze, which is too tall for us to reach and Attack. The coward.

"You know something funny about you? You turtles seem so bonded. Such a great team, people would think if they saw you. That's if they could look past you being hideous freaks of course. While in reality, you're all broken. You're great working together on the outside, but on the inside, you're all shattered. damaged. harbouring feelings of hatred, fear and envy for each other. Sure, you may love each other like brothers but that's what you're supposed to do, isn't it? If you all weren't brothers at all...I'm sure you wouldn't even bother in the first place."

The place was quiet save Sadness's quiet sobs and the occasional mutter of an emotion. Silence hung in the air, Thick and heavy. What he said was somewhat true...were we...really like that? Yes, I did love my brothers but were those feelings genuine?

Master Splinter always told us to love each other no matter what we did as we were brothers, and I was always forced to hug them and say I was sorry if I hit them out of anger or did anything out of line. While they were forced to forgive and forget. But...did we really?

If something were to be drilled in someone's head as a child, and they reluctantly carry out the action all the time, they'd get used to it. What they were forced to believe and feel would become a routine. Something they had to do for the sake of it. Was the love for my brothers that weak? Was our bond really as thin as that?

"And you, April O' Neil. You're only the turtle's friend because you pity them. They know nothing about life above the surface, and you feel sorry for them because you know people judge them for their appearance and will never accept them. The only reason you're staying with them is protection. You're helpless on your own, admit it. How many times would you have died without the turtle's help? You don't really care for them. You're just here because if you didn't come along, no one would be there to protect you, so why not come here where it was safe and you'd be away from earthly dangers?"

"Th-thats not true!" April yells. "I...Yes, I admit I did become friends with the turtles out of pity and was kind of awkward at first but..." She smiles slightly. "They all were so sweet and so friendly. Welcoming me into their home so willingly, helping me out, training with me, even though I would be a nuisance and my presence there would endanger their safety and their peace if the Kraang attacked. They could lose their home at any time, and they know it, but they still welcome me."

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