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Disclaimer:I don't own anything Cept the plot :3

I punch the wall again, ignoring the pain in my hand as It makes contact with the hard stone.

Frustarated, i growl in anger, throwing yet another punch at the wall.

I've been stuck in here for what? An hour? Two? It's no use. I keep meeting dead ends and im hardly getting anywhere. Im wasting precious time I could use to save my baby brother but nooooo, im stuck in this stupid maze.

Forget it. This won't solve anything. I have to keep moving no matter how tiring or frustrating this cruddy maze gets. It's the only way I can save Mikey.

With a new surge of determination, I am about to move on when I hear a laugh.

"What the shell? That sounds like..." My eyes widen.

Mikey. That sounds like Mikey.

I run as fast as I can towards the source of the wail, hope rising as i get closer and the laughs get louder.

It's Mikey. It has to be. Nobody else laughs like that. So happy, so care free, so full of life.


"Well I guess you could say that," a familiar cheery voice pipes up from behind.

I whip around. It's Mikey all right. Only...Yellow and slightly younger than he normally looks.

"Mikey? Care to explain why you're yellow? And why you're glowing and for some reason seem to radiate sunshine and rainbows...more than usual?"

The yellow glowing Mikey giggles. "I'm not Mikey. Not all of him anyway. I'm joy, His happy side." he takes down an imaginary top hat and bows.

"So...you're saying that you're one of his emotions, and there are more of you.." I mutter.

"Yep! There's Anger, sadness, determination and wisdom. And me of course, JOY! Although we got separated. I have no idea where everyone else is. Hey, maybe we can look together! Yeah! That'd be great!"

He starts going on and on, chatting like there's no tomorrow. There's no stopping him is there? Sweet mother of mutants kill me now. Of all the emotions I got him. Why not anger? We'd get along perfectly.

Or start a civil war inside Mikey. Who knows.

I take a deep breath, trying not to lose my cool as joy rambles on. "Hey Joy," "Hm?"

"How did you guys get separated?"

"Okay so it was just a normal day. We were all fighting, and-"

"Normal? Fighting is normal?"

"What? As if you don't fight everyday,"

"...good point. Carry on."

"So we were fighting as usual, sadness being more feisty than he normally is, and more snappy too. -Honestly I think it's anger wearing off him. He normally stays quietly at the back and only pipes in when things get serious-

"Anyway, suddenly this dark thingy appears and swallows us whole. I tried to stay up but failed and went under." He's more somber now, eyes serious and dark.

"I woke up here. And I've been trying to look for determination for ages but with no luck. Although I think I'll find him. There's always a way," the light returns to his eyes.

It takes me a moment to piece together what happened. Sadness fighting more than usual, the darkness....that was before the darkness took over Mikey.

"Well..." Before I can say anymore, Joy pales and falls down, and I quickly catch him.

"Joy? Joy!" His eyes close and his forehead is beaded with sweat. Is this an effect of the darkness consuming Mikey?

His disappearing arm answers my question.

I lift him up. "Don't worry buddy. I got cha. I'll save you. And Mikey."

Now I really have to get to the centre of the maze. I have a hunch I know where...more like who the other emotions are with, and the faster I get to the centre, the faster we can save Mikey.

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