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I blink slowly, trying to adjust to the bright lighting of my lab and bedroom. Splinter, Leo and Raph's faces stare down at me, concerned. "Donatello, how are you?" Splinter asks. "I'm fine Sensei, just a little dizzy," I reply.

Raph and Leo help me up and I accept gratefully before gulping down a glass of warm water that Splinter pushes into my hands. "

"Slowly Donatello," Splinter chuckles. "Yeah Don. You may choke," Raph says. I roll my eyes. Of course I know that. But the feel of water down my dry throat is too good. "Hello? Anyone home?" I hear the familiar voice of April outside.

Millions of Butterflies start fluttering inside my stomach and I feel a grin spread across my face. "We're here April!" Leo calls. She makes her way into the room, and I sigh at how perfect she looks. (A/N: it took me a lot of willpower to write this. I nearly barfed. Be grateful readers. I'm doing this for you, especially my fellow Apriltello shippers :D)

I don't know why a sweet girl like her bothers to work her back off at a pet store so she can get pizza just for us, but all the more I love her. She's so considerate and seems like she'll never notice me. After all, I'm just an ugly mutant. And she's..... April smiles as she walks up to me and kisses my cheek.

My heart soars and I nearly drop dead. April kissed me! Oh this is the greatest day of my life! Despite being hurt and all... "You doing okay Donnie?" I grin.

"Y-yeah. I'm doing g-great thanks April," "that's good. Master Splinter I had this crazy feeling something was off here, So I came here to check it out. Nothing else is wrong right?" Splinter, Leo and Raph exchange glances, and I stare at them, puzzled. What's going on?

"Well, we were gonna tell Donnie but since you're here..." Raph pauses. "So during yesterday's mission, Mikey kept doing stupid and reckless stunts that almost killed him. I nearly died once trying to save him too. At that point I was really angry at Mikey for his recklessness, So I made Mikey take care of the Footbots while I looked for Donnie and Leo to see if they needed help. Donnie was sent flying into a brick wall so I helped him to the shell razor. Suddenly Rahzar and some footbots came and so did Mikey. I kinda..Lectured him Leo style about not being able to do what he was told. Then I passed Donnie over to Mikey and made him get Donnie to the shell razor, but he was later attacked by Snakeweed and Don almost got kidnapped.." Raph trails off, staring at the ground.

I have never seen him that way before. "I was actually pretty much conscious during all that.. But what does this have to do with anything?" The silence that hangs around the room makes me realise one thing. Mikey.

"Where's Mikey? Is he okay?" Holy mother of mutants! How could I not notice my little brother was not here? "Calm yourself Donatello. Michaelangelo is here," Splinter puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I smile.

Suddenly April gasps and places her hands on her head, like she has a headache. "Mikey is here...but so is a dark force," she says with effort as she puts her hands down. She looks awfully tired after that. It must be terrible to keep getting headaches like that. It's like having one of my coffee hangovers after I finish a project. Only worse I guess, because it keeps coming.

"Yeah, we were coming to that part." Leo says. "I managed to save Donnie from Snakeweed. Turns out Mikey got knocked out and Snakeweed captured Donnie in revenge for us trying to destroy his fertiliser supply made of...people. So me and Raph scolded Mikey in the car and told him to grow up and stop being reckless. When we got home, he pranked us, and well, that was the last straw. I let out all my negative thoughts about Mikey. Looking back at it now I wish I didn't say all that....I was too mad to register all the hurt on his face when I said what I did."

Leo says, voice full of remorse. I frown. Was that it? Was Mikey just upset with them so he wasn't coming out of his room? Well we are Fifteen. Rebelliation's gotta start sometime. Though it is weird Mikey is the second (Raph being the first) to be 'rebellious'. Then again studies have shown-
April waves her hand in front of my face, and yells my name, (A/N: I was thinking of saying something like "oh I wish she could say my name Again. Her voice of concern is heavenly" or some sappy crud like that, but sorry. It's weird and akward o.o but feel free to add it in URSELF if u want :D) snapping me out of my daze.

"Wha? Sorry. Got carried away" I Apologise sheepishley. Splinter chuckles, but carries on, face solemn, giving an air of sadness. "Michaelangelo and I were...talking. About certain things. That was when I asked him to meditate with me, to which he willingly agreed. When I closed my eyes, I could sense Michaelangelo's warm and bright aura. It was there for a while, before it started weakening. The place grew cold as the aura was taken over by darkness..I woke up and shook your brother, and he woke up. But he wasn't our Michaelangelo. His eyes were empty and souless..." Splinter trails off, unable to continue.

I'm shocked. For one thing, when was Mikey able to meditate? And what happened to Mikey? "This new Mikey is completely different. All he does is train, eat and sleep. Like a robot! I wake up, he's training. He even beat me in a sparring contest!"

Splinter and Leo give him the stare that says "when did you have time to do that?" "Before we left to visit Donnie..." I am so confused now. Which given my brain capacity and intelligence level, is just unbelievable. Then again anything about Mikey never fails to amaze me...

"So Mikey has basically become a Leo. Great. Just what we Need," I say sarcastically. "Hey!" Leo scrowls. "Wait...guys there's more to this..." April concentrates hard, scrunching up her face. A bead of sweat rolls down her temples.

"I can sense our Mikey. It's weak, but I think it's being overpowered by the dark aura i sense, which is probably what Master Splinter sensed in Mikey. I think I need a closer look at Mikey to know.." Splinter nods. "I was just going to ask you to do that April." I feel a little reluctant to go.

I mean, Who would want to meet a Mikey like that? I shudder. That turtle didn't sound very Mikey at all. Then again, all the more reason we have to save Mikey from whatever is taking over his aura. "Let's go meet the new and absolutely deproved Mikey,"

A/N: Yay! It's done! Thanks to Saphira8199 for commenting and voting! I hope this was a good DONNIE O.O sorry I just woke up so forgive me if this seems rushed... :p For now since Mikey has been taken over by the darkness ;-; April will take over his chapters :D Im not including Casey in this story because he's a total butthead -.- HES GETTING IN THE WAY OF APRILTELLOOOOOO SO NO! JUST NO! :/ Although some guys fighting over April will be Never mind. Bye! Enjoy this!

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