CHAPTER 2 - Big Sis

Start from the beginning

The train slowed down and came to a stop and Izuku disembarked. He was heading back to school and was still thinking, muttering to himself.

Then it came back to him. He had been super rude to Uraraka. Oh no! She probably hates me now... She had just wanted to help, but he had ignored her kindness. He had made his crush hate him. Good luck getting her to like you now, Izuku.

I hope I don't get in trouble for not asking for permission to go out. Was what he was thinking before going into the building that said '1-A Alliance'.

He took off his red shoes and headed for the kitchen. As he did, Kirishima and Iida approached him.

"Hey, man. Are you okay? You didn't seem good when you left this morning." the red-haired guy said.

"Yeah. Sorry for the scene I caused. I'm fine now. But thanks for asking anyway." Izuku said with a small smile.

"I am glad you're okay, Midoriya!" Iida said, making his robot arms move.

"Also, you should probably apologize to Uraraka. You were really rude, you know." Kirishima said, taking out some snacks from the cabinet.

"Yeah, I will."

"I think you should do it tomorrow, Midoriya. It seems Uraraka has already gone up to her room." the engine quirked guy said.

"Oh, okay then. I'll also go up to my room." Izuku drank a glass of water before heading to the elevator.

"Did he explain what happened to you guys?" Ashido asked the two guys approaching them.

"Nope. But everything seems fine now, so I guess it doesn't matter." Kirishima said, taking a seat on one of the sofas.

With Izuku in his room

Should I message her? Is it okay if I do it now? What if it is night there, or super early in the morning? I wouldn't want to disturb her. Does she know Japanese or do I have to talk to her in English?

Well, that last thing can't really be considered a problem since he can fluently speak English. Mostly because of his mother who taught him, all the movies he has watched, and the English classes in school.

Get your shit together, Izuku. And just do it.

With that he quickly dialed her number on his phone and proceeded to write her a message.

'Hi. I don't really know how to do this and I'm really not good at meeting people for the first time. But, my name is Izuku Midoriya and if what my mom said is true, you should be my sister, Amelia.'

He pressed send before he even could think it over. He walked back and forth in his room, nervous if she would reply and what she would say.

A few minutes passed and Izuku was starting to lose hope. Just then, his phone vibrated making him quickly take it and instantly seeing what it was.

She replied!!

'Can I FaceTime you?'

Izuku looked at his phone in confusion. That was the first thing she said? If she can FaceTime me?

Izuku is quick with replying as he doesn't want to make her wait.

'Um, sure.' was all he wrote.

Not even thirty seconds later his phone started ringing.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

Izuku was panicking and hesitating but he knew that he had to pick up. So, without thinking about it any more, he picked up.

"H-hello". Was all he could get out of his mouth as he was staring at the blonde girl on his screen.

She covered her mouth with her hand and it looked like she was about to cry.

"I c-can't believe it. I finally get to see you again. You've grown so much Izuku!"

Izuku gave her a smile. And was now very happy with his decision.

"You know, I'm not really the type of person that gets emotional, but here I am on the verge of tears!" Amelia said giggling.

She's so pretty. Izuku thought. (Don't worry, he is NOT going to develop a sister complex).

"I guess mom was right. We really are opposites." Izuku said smiling at his sister.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I am a really big crybaby and you don't seem like one at all." Izuku said scratching the back of his neck.

This made Amelia laugh out loud.

"I have SO many things to ask you!"

"Ask away!" Izuku said.

"Hmmm. Okay let me think... Oh! What grade are you in? And what school do you go to? What are the names of your friends?"

"Well... I'm currently a first-year in UA high school." Izuku answered his sister.

"Wow you go to UA?! That famous hero school?!" Amelia said looking very shocked but also happy.

"Yeah! The entrance exam was hard, but I managed to get in on the hero course!"

"That is so cool! I am so proud of you! Are you with mother? I would like to speak with her as well."

"Uh, no. UA became a kind of boarding school a while ago, so we moved into dormitories. And I'm currently in my dorm."

"Oohhh. I see! Well, show me your dorm! I am very interested to see where my cute little brother is staying."

Izuku blushed a little at her comment.

"Okay," Izuku answered. He flipped the camera and showed her his room full of All Might merch.

You could see and hear her giggle a little. "All Might, huh?"

"Y-yeah," Izuku said looking a bit embarrassed.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Izuku. I also am a huge fan of All Might!"

Izuku looked at her in shock. "You are? No offense, but you don't really look like the type of person who would fangirl over a hero."

Even though they had barely been talking for fifteen minutes, Izuku felt really comfortable with her and felt like he could be very honest.

"It's actually a secret of mine!" Amelia said, giggling and putting a finger over her mouth.

Izuku started laughing at his sister's actions. His mom was right, she is very funny.

"Hmmm... Say, Izuku..?" Amelia started, raising one of her brows and smirking, making Izuku stop laughing.


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

The innocent cinnamon roll quickly became a blushing mess. "No! I don't have one! W-why would you ask that?"

Amelia started giggling. "Not many girls can resist a cute face like that! Well, I'm assuming there is at least someone you like!"

"Actually... There is a girl I have had a crush on for a while." Izuku said, looking away and scratching the back of his neck.

Amelia had now stopped laughing and was looking at Izuku with a very shocked look. "Are you serious?! I was only joking!"

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