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〚 third person 〛

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"Welcome back!" Yano greeted as she spotted Aomine entering her house. The male was quick to grab her by the face and pinch her cheeks extra hard.

"Why didn't you tell me that some weirdo tried to attack you?!" Aomine shouted, frustrated with her lack of communication. He disliked being out of the loop and finding out from anyone but Yano.

She swatted his hands away, pouting at Aomine who frowned. "It wasn't a big deal. Akaashi-san handled it."

Aomine grit his teeth, scoffing slightly at the thought. Akaashi handled it? Tch.

"You should've told me." Aomine muttered lowly, defeated with the fact that she went to him. He didn't want her to rely on Akaashi, but he couldn't forget that if Akaashi didn't help, things would've ended worse.

"I didn't want to worry you on your trip. Besides," Yano explained, genuinely grinning at Aomine. "I'm fine now."

Aomine sighed, ruffling her hair gently as he plopped on the couch beside her. "Fine. I guess that's all that matters."

With that, Yano giggled and nodded. Their eyes turned to the TV which was switched on, playing Yano's favorite movie.

Throughout the film- that she's seen multiple times- she constantly shut Aomine up who tried to talk about unnecessary things. Her focus was on the film, and nothing was taking it off it.

"We've seen this a hundred times." Aomine complained, groaning as he saw the same scene again. "Stop rewinding it, idiot!"

Yano flipped him the bird, rewinding it once more to see her favorite scene all over again. The scene just made her giddy with happiness.

It wasn't a sight that Aomine hated. He actually quite liked it.

But he hated this movie at this point. Seeing it with her more than once was pushing it, but now, she's obsessed.

"If you hate it, go sleep!" Yano shouted as she smacked him in the head with a pillow. He groaned, throwing the pillow onto the ground to avoid any further abuse.

"Why don't you choose another movie, huh?" Aomine taunted, earning a pillow cushion to the face. "How'd you even grab this thing?!?"

Yano stuck her tongue out at Aomine, acting more childish than usual. She was in a good mood, and Aomine didn't know why.

About halfway through the movie, Yano's phone lit up with a text. Upon glancing at the text, she immediately drop the remote into her lap and grabbed her phone.

She brought it closer to her face and squinted slightly, reading the text thoroughly. When she realized what it said, her eyes went wide and she jumped up from the couch.

"What?" Aomine asked, watching her quickly throw the remote onto the coffee table then dash up the stairs. He stared at her retreating figure with complete and utter confusion. "What the hell?"

Yano stood in her room, tapping her foot against the floor furiously. Her hand rested on her chin as she scrutinized her closet. What the fuck do I wear?!??

Picking out a few pieces of clothes, she quickly shut her door and began to strip.

She threw on some black jeans with a blue sweater. She tied her hair back into a half-up ponytail before rushing downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Aomine questioned, sitting your from the couch to see her putting on her shoes hurriedly.

"The park. I'm meeting with Akaashi-san!" With that, she threw open the door and made her way towards the park.

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