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third person

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Akaashi laid asleep in his bed. His head was rested on his pillow that kept his head elevated. A blanket was draped over his body, covering him from his shoulders down. On his bed was a stuffed owl that he got from the fair when he went that one time with the rest of the group. He named it Natsu since it kind of reminded him of Chinatsu.

"Is he still sleeping?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Should we just run in and surprise him?"

As if on cue, the door swung open to reveal Akaashi who was half awake. He had woken up upon hearing them come up the stairs and begin talking about their plan to ransack his room loudly.

"What're you guys doi-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The group shouted loudly, surprising Akaashi whose eyes widened upon hearing it.

In front of him stood Kyouya, Bokuto, Maekawa, Yano, Hikari, and his family. His parents held a cake with the words 'happy birthday Keiji' written on it.

"Happy birthday, Kei-chan!" Maekawa greeted him as she threw her arms around the raven haired male. Bokuto joined the hug, squeezing both Akaashi and Maekawa. Yano also joined, gently hugging Akaashi and Maekawa on the opposite side of Bokuto.

"Cute!" His mother squealed as she began taking pictures of them. Hikari joined in, wanting to send this to Chi's parents afterwards. "Come down stairs! We have breakfast and stuff!"

Akaashi nodded, finally breaking away from the suffocating hug. After thanking everyone for their birthday wishes, he headed off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He was barely awake yet and so much happened already.

Today was Akaashi's 13th birthday. His teen years have begun.

As he descended down the stairs, he found his friends sitting on the couch waiting for him. Each of them had a present in hand, waiting for Akaashi, so they could give it to him.

"Open mine first!" Bokuto shouted, shoving the box into Akaashi's hands. His parents watched as Akaashi slowly unwrapped the box with an unknown item inside.

Akaashi's eyes glittered when he saw a large tray full of his favorite foods. It was everything that he loved dearly, and it touched him.

"Thanks, Bokuto-san." Akaashi murmured softly, putting the box aside even though he wanted to eat it right away.

"Here!" Maekawa said as she handed him a bag. He pulled out the tissue paper and found a piece of clothing inside. He pulled it out and grinned at the shirt, knowing exactly what it was by the material.

On the front was a large onigiri with a smiling face. It was stupid, but it was a shirt that the raven haired male had wanted for awhile.

"Hah, thanks, Chi-chan." Akaashi chuckled, placing the shirt aside and looking at Yano who fiddled with her box nervously.

She placed the small box in his hand and pulled out two more. She gave them to Bokuto and Maekawa with a sheepish smile.

"It's kind of a group gift. It was the only thing I could think of." Yano admitted bashfully, running a hand through her light brown hair.

The group unwrapped the boxes, gasping at the content inside. A cute bracelet sat inside with each and every one of their initials on it. The bracelet read 'AYBM.'

"Wow, I love it!" Maekawa exclaimed, grinning at Yano who let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, it's amazing!" Bokuto beamed, handing Maekawa the bracelet for her to put it on him. They both helped each other while Akaashi and Yano did the same.

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