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third person

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"Hey, Hey, Hey!" Bokuto shouted as he jumped up and down, grinning brightly. Maekawa jumped up and down, excited just as much as Bokuto. Yano and Akaashi simply stood by, showing their excitement with their Cheshire grins.

"You guys ready?" Kyouya asked as he locked the house door behind him. On his back was a small backpack full of some things he felt he'd probably need along the way.

"Wait!" Maekawa shouted, halting everyone's actions for a moment. "Where's Nee-san?!"

"Right here, Chi." Hikari called out, appearing behind the group with a small bag on her back too. She was dressed in normal clothes that made her look extra cute. It was refreshing since she usually just wore a suit or business attire all the time.

Kyouya was dressed in a hoodie and some jeans with his headphones hanging around his neck.

"Dummy." Hikari murmured as she stepped towards Kyouya, pulling the sleeping mask off his head. He chuckled, rubbing his tired eyes and thanking her. "Why're you so tired?"

He yawned once, tucking the sleeping mask into the pocket of his hoodie. "I stayed up late last night packing this bag to ensure we'd have no trouble today."

Hikari rolled her eyes, stifling a laugh at his preparedness. Why am I laughing? I'm the same way.

Judging by the backpack on her back, she really was the same way.

"Shall we get going then?" Hikari exclaimed, making all four of the kids cheer. Scrambling like they were running from danger, they jumped into Hikari's car that was able to fit everyone perfectly.

Kyouya sat in the passenger seat, keeping an eye on the kids in the back through the rear view mirror. They were all cheery and happy, talking amongst each other quietly in the back.

"Are you excited for today, Hikari-san? Chinatsu-chan tells me you haven't been to a fair before." Kyouya questioned, teasing her slightly with his words.

Hikari adjusted her grip on the steering wheel, glancing at Kyouya with a flat look on her face. "Shut it or I'll kick you out the car."

Kyouya chuckled loudly, waving a hand at Hikari. "Mercy on my soul, Hikari-san. I was joking."

She huffed, turning back to the road to focus on where she was headed to. Kyouya continued to make small talk with the woman until they arrived at their destination.

"You think Chi will be okay here?" Hikari asked, eyeing the crowd with displeasure.

Are you asking for Chi or are you yourself not good with crowds? Kyouya thought as he held back a laugh at her expression. She was so easy to read.

"Nah," Kyouya jutted his thumb in the direction of Bokuto who stood beside Maekawa. "Kou's here, so we have nothing to worry about."

"What does he have to do with anything?" Hikari deadpanned, glancing at Bokuto who was jumping in excitement.

Chuckling, he pulled Hikari closer and leaned down a bit to whisper in her ear. "You don't know this, but Kou's pretty good at handling Chinatsu. Maybe even better than Keiji."

Hikari's eyes widened, partially from the information that was disclosed and the fact that Kyouya came so close. Her cheeks tinged pink as she tried to chase away the goosebumps on her arms. He was so close. His breath tickled my neck!!!!1!2

"Let's head inside!" Kyouya beamed, heading for the fair entrance with the kids behind him. Maekawa stuck close to Kyouya, but ended up beside Bokuto who held onto her hand to keep her from getting lost.

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