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〚 third person 〛

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"Good luck, Keiji!" Maekawa cheered, leaning out of her window slightly. Akaashi peeked his head through the window, flashing her a minuscule smile.

"Thanks." His expression contorted into one of confusion as he thought of her words. "Aren't you coming to the game?"

Maekawa laughed sheepishly, shaking her head softly. "No, not today. My parents are coming home today."

Oh, boy. Understanding, Akaashi nodded and picked up his duffle bag. "Well, have fun. I'll let you know when we're done."

"Thanks, Keiji. Do your best today." Maekawa grinned, waving at Akaashi who exited his room and headed downstairs.

Maekawa turned on her heels and began cleaning her room to make it presentable. Her parents would definitely get on her case if the house was messy.

"They're here!" Hikari called from downstairs. Maekawa closed her room door and descended down the stairs to find her parents at the door.

"Hi, mama!" Maekawa gleamed, throwing her arms around her mother's body. Her mother patted her back, chuckling softly.

"Hi, how have you been?" Her mother asked, placing her hand bag on the counter beside the door. "It's been so many years since we've been home."

Maekawa nodded, helping them into the house with their minimal luggage.

"We have to leave again tonight, so let's spend the day well, yeah?" Her father said, giving her a small side hug. She nodded, chuckling softly as they plopped on the couch to plan out their day.

"Yuno's waiting outside with the car." Her mother exclaimed as they quickly decided to go driving for the day. Hikari followed her parents out the door with Maekawa in tow.

"Hi, Chinatsu-san." Yuno, the designated driver said as he spotted her climbing into the car. Maekawa smiled, waving at him while plopping into a seat. "Hikari-san, hey."

Hikari pursed her lips, wanting to roll her eyes at the male who smirked her way.

"You still single? Become my girlfriend already." Yuno flashed her a cocky grin that was quickly shut down by Hikari.

Crossing her arms over her chest, her cheeks tinged pink as she stuttered slightly. "I-I already have a boyfriend."


Everyone in the car, including Maekawa shouted in unison at the revelation. Hikari nodded, blushing bright red from all the attention she was receiving.

"Y-Yeah, I'm going out...with Kyouya-san." Her words made Maekawa nearly faint. She was unaware of all this and how it happened. "We went for drinks and he..."

"Hikari.." Kyouya mumbled in his sleep, tossing slightly in the direction of Hikari who was at the end of the bed.

"Yes?" She answered back apprehensively, bending down to his height. He smelt strongly of alcohol, and she probably did too.

Kyouya opened his eyes slightly, smiling softly at her through thin eyes.

" you....Hikari."

Before Hikari could say anything, Kyouya fell asleep and snored quietly. Her head dropped onto the bed as she internally screamed.

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