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〚 third person 〛

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"What?" Yano questioned as she got out of the shower. Her hair dripped from not being properly dried after her shower. Maekawa threw her towel on Yano's head and roughly wiped her hair. "Hey!"

"Let's go to the boy's room. They're all hanging out in Nekoma's room." Maekawa suggested, leaning around Yano's body to see her expression. It wasn't one of distaste.

Yano bit her lip, a bit hesitant to agree. "But, aren't we supposed to be stay in our own rooms? Besides, if Coach Takeyuki found us-"

"Don't worry! Coach doesn't have to know!" Maekawa pressed her index finger to her own lips as she winked. Yano sighed softly, muttering out a 'fine.' "Yay! Let's go!"

Maekawa quietly led Yano down the hall to the door that led to a rowdy room. Both females could hear the boy's talking from outside the door.

Maekawa rose a fist, knocking softly which ceased everyone's talking. There were quiet footsteps before the door slid open slightly. Kuroo's face appeared in the small crack of the door.

Upon seeing Maekawa and Yano, a grin spread across his lips, and he opened the door wider. Everyone began to peer over at the door with curiosity and perked up when they saw Maekawa and Yano enter the room.

"Natsu!" Bokuto exclaimed happily, tackling Maekawa in a hug. They fell over onto Kuroo's futon, giggling slightly.

Someone bumped into Yano from behind, surprising her. She spun around, making eye-contact with the familiar raven haired male.

"Sorry, Yano-san. I didn't see you there." Akaashi apologized, closing the door behind him. "..What're you doing here?"

Yano jutted her thumb in the direction of Maekawa who was busy play-fighting with Bokuto. It was about to turn into a whole wrestling match soon.

"Chi-chan invited me." Yami explained, watching Akaashi take a seat against the wall. She tentatively hovered above him before sitting down beside him. "What're you doing here?"

Despite being away for such a long time, Yano could still tell that Akaashi wasn't the type of person to be in this situation. He'd probably choose to stay in his own room and do something on his own.

Akaashi pointed at Bokuto who was doing push-ups with Maekawa on his back. Apparently, he was trying to 'assert his dominance' or whatever. Lev was beside him, trying to compete with Yaku on his back.

"Babysitting." Akaashi responded, eliciting a laugh out of Yano. She pointed at Maekawa who now had Nishinoya on her back as she attempted to do push-ups.

"Me too." Yano snickered when Maekawa collapsed, dying out on the ground with Nishinoya still on her. He rolled off of her gently, doing a small pose before running off to find Tanaka.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto shouted, catching both Akaashi and Yano's attention. He waved them down, grinning with determination. "Come do this!"

Akaashi's face slightly soured at the thought of doing push-ups at this hour. He especially didn't prefer doing them with someone on his back.

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