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〚 third person 〛

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Akaashi's chance to confess left as fast as it came. All because of some idiot in class 2-3 along with Yano and Aomine.

"So you're leaving?" Yano asked as she sat on Aomine's bed with a small pout. He paused his packing to reach over and pinch her cheeks lightly.

"Only for a week. Family things." Aomine explained, chuckling when her pout remained. He shook his head, closing up his bag that was full of some clothes that he'd need.

"What day do you come back?" Yano questioned, following him downstairs. He shrugged, peering at calendar in the kitchen.

"Uh, the twelfth? Tuesday." Aomine replied, putting on his shoes at the door. Yano mimicked his movements, putting on her shoes to leave too.

She followed him out the door, folding her hands behind her back. "Well, I'll see you next week then."

Aomine ruffled her hair aggressively, making sure to muss it up to the point of it looking like a bird nest. A hearty chuckled escaped his lips at the expression she had when he let go of her hair.

"You look like an angry midget. Calm down." He taunted, earning a smack to the stomach, which turned out to be harder than he expected. "Angry gremlin, more like."

"Whatever. Bye!" Yano huffed, walking off in the direction of her home while another chuckle escaped Aomine's lips.

"See you soon, Tenshi." Aomine mumbled under his breath, chuckling softly as he made his way to the station.

When Yano arrived home, she slammed her front door and raced upstairs. In an angry fit, she got ready for school and stomped down the stairs.

"Can you not do that? You're gonna break the floorboards." Her mother complained, sipping on some coffee at the kitchen table. Yano lightened her footsteps, making her way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. "Did Daiki leave already?"

Yano's face soured at the mention of Aomine. "Yeah, in a mean way too. He called me an angry gremlin!"

Her mother chuckled, sipping her coffee with amusement. "Where's the lie?"

Rolling her eyes, Yano snatched the granola bar off the counter and made her way towards the door. "I'm going to school. See you later!"

Her mother nodded, waving. "Have a good day."

As the door shut behind her, she spotted Akaashi waiting in front of her house with a pancake in his hand. She giggled, finding it random that he held a single pancake in his hand.

"Before you ask, it was from Bokuto-san." Akaashi mumbled tiredly, holding the pancake out to her. "Do you want it?"

Yano shrugged, accepting the warm pancake from Akaashi who almost smiled with amusement at their exchange. How weird.

"Aomine-san left for a trip?" Akaashi reiterates after hearing about Aomine's small trip that would last a week.

Yano nodded, munching on the pancake happily. "Yup, now we can hang out again."

HATSUKOI . boku / aka [✓]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora