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third person

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"Where's Tenten?" Bokuto asked as he spotted Akaashi exiting the school without the familiar brunette at his side.

"Chi-chan?" Akaashi asked, walking over to Bokuto who pointed at the school with his index finger.

"She's staying after for clean-up duty." He answered, receiving the same answer from Akaashi. "Should we wait for them?"

Akaashi shrugged, shifting his weight from foot to foot. Half of him wanted to wait, but he also wanted to go home and eat.

"We should wait at home, Bokuto-san." Akaashi suggested, making Bokuto nod and walk in the direction of their houses.

They split up, heading into their own houses so they could put away their bags and grab a snack from the kitchen.

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"Kei-kun, come out!" Maekawa shouted as she stood at Akaashi's porch with Yano and two others. The raven haired male exited his house, peering at the extra two behind them with curious eyes.

"Who's this?" Akaashi questioned as he shut his front door, following them to Bokuto's house to pick up the male.

"This is Hironaka Daisuke and his brother, Tetsuya." Yano introduced Daisuke from her small cake trip for her mother's birthday a few years ago. Since that day, they had gotten much closer and became genuine friends.

"Hey, hey, he-" Bokuto's cheers came to an abrupt stop when he recognized one of the twins who stood behind Maekawa and Yano. "Eh? Aren't you the guy who was making fun of Mae-chan that one time?"

"Urk-" Tetsuya grimaced at the thought, dropping his head in shame. His brother, Daisuke, slapped Tetsuya's back hard, smiling at Bokuto.

"This idiot knows what he did was stupid and apologized." Daisuke explained, glancing at Tetsuya. "Right?"

"..Yeah. I..just wanted to be her...friend." Tetsuya admitted reluctantly, embarrassed by the fact that he had to voice his intentions to everyone.

"When did they become friends?" Bokuto asked as he and Yano lagged behind a bit. Maekawa walked with Tetsuya as Akaashi and Daisuke talked.

"Today, actually." Yano answered, chuckling at the thought. "Maekawa said that he showed up at her classroom and apologized then helped her clean."

Maekawa stood behind a few of her classmates. Fiddling with her hands nervously, she tried to break up their conversation long enough that she could clean the board. They knew of her presence and her need to clean the board, but they simply ignored her.

"Oi, why don't you idiots go clean instead of being a waste of space?" A voice interjected as they kicked one of the boys in the back of their legs.

"Tch, whatever." The boys muttered, walking off to do something else away from the board.

"Thanks," Maekawa's eyes fell upon Tetsuya, the male who led the group that called her 'Kyo' all the time. (Refer to chapter 7) "Oh, uhm, excuse me-"

"Wait, M-" He blocked the door, trying to finish his sentence. "Maekawa-san."

A look of surprise washed over Maekawa's features, making Tetsuya feel more bad than he wanted to. She was really expecting me to call her Kyo again? What the heck is wrong with me? Ugh.

Clearing his head, his arms dropped to his sides as he bowed completely. Maekawa took a step back in surprise, shocked by this. "I'm so sorry, Maekawa-san. I shouldn't have called you names or made fun of you like that."

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