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third person

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Their days usually always played out the same way. The group would head off to school, wait until the bell rang and headed home. They'd eat a small snack then head over to one of their houses or the park to hang out. They rarely ever strayed from the routine.

"Akaaaaashii! Let's play!" Bokuto greeted brightly as he pounded on Akaashi's door. He waited momentarily until Akaashi slowly opened the door.

The raven haired boy was sweaty and feverish since he was coming down with a cold. "Sorry, Bokuto-san, I can't play today."

Bokuto noticed Akaashi's sick state and nodded, telling him to go to bed or something. Before he could turn on his heels to leave, Akaashi grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Uh, could you...keep Chinatsu-chan company today?" Akaashi questioned, leaning on the door frame for support. "Something happened at school today and I don't think she should be alone right now."

Despite wanting to ask about what happened, Bokuto nodded and gave Akaashi a thumbs up. "Don't worry! I got it! Go to bed already!"

Running to Maekawa's house next door, he began knocking on her door and waited for her answer. Moments after he did so, the door slowly opened to reveal Hikari.

"Ah, Koutarou." Hikari exclaimed, smiling softly at the two-toned haired boy who grinned up at her.

"Hikari-nee-san, where's Mae-chan?" Bokuto shouted, glancing around the female to see if Maekawa was in the living room.

Hikari frowned slightly, pointing up the stairs. "She's up in her room. I don't think it's a good time. She's pretty upset."

"Can I go see her? Akaashi asked me to keep her company today!" Bokuto explained, giving Hikari a look of determination.

Feeling like this was the best option, she nodded and opened the door wider for him. After taking off his shoes, he scurried into her house and ran up to Maekawa's room.

He had been here so many times already that he knew where her room was already.

Knocking on her door softly, he waited for her to open up. When she didn't, he continued to knock until she did.

"Nee-san, I said I don't want to eat today-" Maekawa cut herself off as she saw Bokuto standing there instead of Hikari.

His eyes slightly widened when he saw the tears that filled her eyes. Her cheeks were stained with the tears she had been crying just moments ago. Her puffy eyes and red face gave off the impression that it wasn't a simple, quick cry.

"W-What're you doing here?" Maekawa asked, turning away from Bokuto while furiously blinking and wiping her face. AGKDHSLDUAJ I LOOK GROSS AND HE'S SEEING ME RIGHT NOW.

"I wanted to hang out. Wanna go to the park?" Bokuto grinned, indifferent to her puffy red face. "Just you and me today because Tenten and Akaashi are sick."

Biting her lip, Maekawa pushed aside the bad feelings in her heart and decided to just enjoy the fact that she'd be hanging with Bokuto alone.


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"Two chocolate ice-cream cones!" Bokuto exclaimed to the man who worked at the small shop. Quickly whipping them together, Bokuto paid and rushed back to Maekawa who sat on a bench nearby. "Here!"

Smiling thankfully, she accepted the ice-cream cone. He plopped on the bench beside her and munched on the ice cream happily.

They had been walking around the park for about ten minutes until they spotted the ice-cream truck. Bokuto rushed off to buy them some while Maekawa reserved the bench for them.

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