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〚 third person 〛

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The school year was calm. Exams were quite easy to handle, on Akaashi's end anyway. His classmates were kind and respected his boundaries, leaving him alone when he needed it. His teachers weren't too hard on their class, making everything easy for Akaashi.

He liked to call his the 'Calm before the storm' because there was no way this would last long.

And Akaashi was right.

About three weeks after he training camp, a new presence graced the school which sent the amount of problems they'd have through the roof.

"He's so hot!!" A female squealed as she peeked out into the hall where the new student was. "And tall!"

"I wanna ride his d-"

"Excuse me." Akaashi coughed awkwardly, trying to get out of the classroom to run an errand for the teacher.

The girl jumped, quickly scurrying out of the way with a blush on her face. "S-Sorry, Akaashi-san!"

Akaashi gave her a reassuring nod as he waved it off. "It's fine."

As he exited the class, he finally saw what all the chaos was about.

"Yo, Akaashi!" The large navy haired male greeted as he approached Akaashi. A smug grin sat upon his lips, unfaltering no matter what.

"Oh." Akaashi deadpanned, looking up to meet his eyes. "Aomine-san."

Aomine's dark blue eyes danced with amusement when he noticed Akaashi's expression slightly sour upon seeing the blue haired male.

"Don't be like that, Akaashi. You missed me, right?" Aomine taunted, bending down a bit to get in Akaashi's face. "I know Tenshi missed me."

Aomine wasn't very pleased to see Akaashi's expression remain indifferent to his words. I was expecting a bigger reaction.

Akaashi bowed time Aomine, pivoting on his heels. "It was nice seeing you. I must be on my way."

As Akaashi exited the hall, Aomine chuckled to himself, slightly annoyed with Akaashi's apathetic attitude. I wanna wipe that stupid blank expression off his face.

"Daiki-kun?" Yano's jaw dropped at the sight of the tall dark-skinned male in her school. He spun around upon hearing her voice and smirked at her.

"In the flesh." Aomine replied pridefully, opening his arms as she rushed towards him. She clasped her arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

His hands slid down to the middle of her back, feeling the area a bit. "No bra? How scandalous."

Yano smacked his chest hard, flushing slightly at the attacker. "Shut it, idiot."

"You didn't deny it." Aomine taunted, earning another smack on the chest.

"Shut up!" Yano grumbled, narrowing her eyes at Aomine who chuckled. "What're you doing here?"

He motioned to the uniform he wore- half heartedly, might I add. "Don't you have eyes?"

Yano couldn't really believe it. Aomine was schooling here at Fukurōdani. "Why?!"

HATSUKOI . boku / aka [✓]Where stories live. Discover now