Chapter 25: Happiness

Start from the beginning

Our lips moved closer towards one another. I could taste his breath on my lips. 

His eyes fluttered shut as we were almost within reach, but just as our lips were about to connect I moved to the side and pressed my lips on his cheek.

"Darn it" he groaned.

"You just got played" I muttered out confidently, smirking at the lipstick mark I had left on his cheek.

"Ewwwww. Gross".

I looked back in horror to see a large group of children laughing with some covering their eyes at our rather public display.

Warrick chuckled and lifted me off his chest and jumped up laughing along with the children.

"Alpha and Luna were smooching" one of the little boy's teased and puckered his lips to a nearby girl and imitated the kissing action.

"Ew, I don't want your germs" she whined and playfully swatted him away.

"Hey kids. We were just on our way to come and see you. We've brought you all some treats".

My heart swelled watching the way he interacted with the children. One day, he'd make a great father to our children.

Did I just? Oh wow.

All the children cheered but then started to point and laugh at my little kitten.

"What? What's so funny?" he asked bewildered by the children's laughter.

"You got lipstick on you".

"Pink suits you Alpha" one of the girls giggled.

Warrick's head turned to me and he playfully growled.

"That's it. I'm going to chase you all. I'm the big bad wolf and I'm coming".

All the children screamed and ran back into the orphanage.

Lots of children grabbed my hands, clothes and arms as they tried to rush me in with them. It was so cute being shielded by about 10 children who were trying to help me escape from my big bad mate.

"Stay back, big bad wolf. I have muscles".

A tiny girl who seemed to be the age of 5 stayed back and adorably growled at Warrick who instantly stopped and fell to his knees.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he pleaded begging for forgiveness.

"Hm. Okay" she smiled and grabbed Warrick's hand, happily dragging him into the building after us.


4 hours later

"They all love you. I can't thank you enough for spending time with them. It gives them hope to see the both of us. They were orphaned by war and now they have a home, a loving home and we will make this place safe for us and for all of them so they may grow up and flourish".

This man had a way with words. 

"I loved being there. They're all so sweet and I had lots of fun". 

Truthfully, I didn't want to leave them. They had begged for us to stay longer, but we couldn't. Warrick said we had to go somewhere but promised to visit again tomorrow afternoon.

It was so fun getting to know the children whilst gorging on cheesy pizza and then watching a couple of Disney movies with tons of popcorn.

These children had lost everything, yet they were all full of life. They had nothing but they were completely content with what they had been provided with. A warm bed, clean clothes, food on the table and a pack that loved them unconditionally.

"So where are you taking me? It's late and I'm kinda tired".

Warrick chuckled before scooping me up and carrying me bridal style towards a building I had never seen before.

"Hey! That doesn't mean you get to manhandle me you brute".

"So I'm a brute now huh?".

"Yep, but you'll always be my kitten".

Warrick scoffed and mumbled something under his breath before stopping at a small looking home and held me out towards the door bell.

Quickly catching on, I reached out and pressed the door bell nervously waiting for whoever to open up the door.

Suddenly the door opened and a sweet elderly woman peered out.

"My boy, you came and you brought her. Look at you, so pretty".

The sweet woman walked towards me and cupped my cheeks squishing them together as she looked me over.

"Thank you dear for bringing home my grandson. He's all I have left and I can't thank you enough".

Warrick put me down and before I could respond, his grandma wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly.

"Grandma, you're squeezing her too tightly".

For an old lady, she had a very very strong grip. But I felt too rude to say something.

"Oh, I'm so sorry deary".

"It's okay. And it's wonderful to meet you too".

Warrick hadn't mentioned anything about family since we had been here, but it made my heart swell to know that he had at least 1 member of his family still here.

"No, the pleasure is all mine, Luna. Now hurry, we must get on".

"Get on with what?" I muttered turning back to Warrick with a confused expression.

The brute only laughed as he followed us into the small home.

"We have to get you measured up for the ball".

"Ball? What ball?".

His Grandmother sat me down on an armchair and began rummaging through some boxes.

"Every year we'd have a big fancy party. Food, music, dancing for everyone in the pack. It was a formal event and everyone loved getting dressed up. It was a tradition for many years, until the day little Warrick was taken. But since he's returned, especially with you, his mate we are starting the traditions again and will be having it next week. I am the pack designer and tend to make all the dresses etc and of course we need to make you the most beautiful dress. So come with me my dear and let's get started".

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