Chapter 48

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Eventually I get out of the car and walk inside. My phone starts to ring as I sit on the couch. I glance at my phone and almost drop it when I see Niko's name, I stab ignore and turn off my phone, knowing he's going to blow it up for the next hour or so. I sigh in frustration, I need ice cream. I grab a spoon on my way to the freezer to grab a pint of Rocky Road.

I sit at the island and shovel in a few bites before I hear a sickly sweet and sultry voice coming from the foyer "thanks for helping me Peter, I'll see you at school". I deeply roll my eyes as I shove another spoonful into my mouth. Peter strolls into the kitchen shirtless with a pair of jeans riding dangerously low on his hips and I choke on my ice cream "she drew you like that?" He kisses my forehead before getting his own spoon "no", I breathe a sigh of relief, "I was wet when she drew me".

My jaw drops and I watch him shovel some ice cream into his mouth, he glances at me "what?"

"You know I don't like her around you, but you're still going to let her draw you shirtless and wet. In my house" I say slightly raising my voice. He shrugs "she said it had to be shirtless", I throw my spoon on the granite countertop "she was shirtless, too?!" Peter grabs me by my arms, "no, no. Only me. She wanted to, but I told her no. I quickly drew her and made her leave. Calm down, take deep breaths. Are you alright, I've never seen you like this before." Yea because I've never had to worry about an ex that unlocks touching memories of us from our past relationship that came with a free bowl of guilt or a persistent relationship wrecking blonde.

Instead of saying all of that I pick up my spoon and say "must be the hormones". He nods and gets a thoughtful look on his face. I continue to look at him as I dig my spoon in the pint because I know he's about to say something. I stick the spoon in my mouth as he asks "can you teach me how to drive". I choke on the ice cream again and he rubs my back until I recover "what? I thought you were afraid".

"I was not afraid" he insists. "But you totally were. You were like" I attempt to make the face he was making that day I mentioned driving and he scowls at me. I giggle "I'm just pushing your buttons", I say poking him, "I could teach you but you have to get your permit first". He raises an eyebrow "a what?"

"Permit. It lets you learn how to drive" I answer. I walk over to a drawer and dig around in it before I find what I'm looking for. I toss the small booklet at him and he catches it "read the whole thing and then you'll go and take the test" I walk back over to my stool and sit. Peter lays the booklet on the countertop lays his hand on it and his eyes glow like lightbulbs for a few seconds. My jaw drops as his eyes return to normal "alright lets go".

"Go where" I ask. "To the DMV" he answers. I'm completely bewildered there's no way he should know what a DMV is yet unless....."did you just use magic to absorb all the information in that booklet?" He nods his head at me like it should be obvious, "is that how you've been getting A's on all your tests and quizzes in every class?"

"Is there any other way to do it" he asks, "yea! Actually reading and studying" I answer. He scoffs and waves his hand in a dismissive manner "that's for simpletons", I smack his chest "you couldn't have told this simpleton that she could do that? All the waisted hours! And I failed the last test in literature when you didn't." He smirks "Peter Pan never fails", I roll my eyes "yea, because he's magic and cheats".

"It's not cheating", he says, "it's my way of studying". I scoff "whatever helps you sleep at night, man".

"Whatever. Lets go before they close" he says walking towards the garage door. I grab the car keys and stop him by grabbing his shoulder "Peter. Don't you think you're forgetting something". He shakes his head and I slide my hand from his shoulder to his pecs to his magnificent rock hard abs, pointing out he still doesn't have a shirt on.

"Not that I mind, but it's not exactly living up to the norms of society" I say tracing his abs with my finger. I feel a shiver run through his body "right, I'll be back". I climb into the car and back out, waiting for Peter in the driveway. Once he's in I type in the DMV's address into the GPS and follow the directions.

Peter passes the test flawlessly, as expected, and I drive us to an empty lot I spotted on the way over. We switch sides and I show him all the basic knobs and such before moving on. "Check if you can see in the mirrors and then turn on the car" I say pointing to the ignition. He looks at each mirror before sliding the key in and turns it causing the car to purr to life. "Put your foot on the brake and put the car in drive", he looks down between his legs "which one is brake". "The one on the left" I answer, he puts his foot on it and puts the car in drive.

I grab the 'oh, shit' bar above my head "now carefully lift your foot off the brake", he does that and the car starts to move forward "ok. Push the gas just a little bit". He looks at me "the gas", I grab his chin and make him look forward "keep your eyes on the road, and yes. The pedal on the right". The car moves forward a little more and we reach a turn. "Turn" I tell him and he does. He's doing much better than I thought he would.

I let go of the 'oh, shit' bar and actually begin to relax. Before I know it Peter is a complete pro behind the wheel. "I think I'm ready for the road now" I look at him in bewilderment; time to grab the bar again. "Are you sure" I ask, he nods and without me even answering yes or no he turns toward the road. He enters our home address into the GPS and turns when the road is clear.

If I was stressed out in the empty lot, I'm really stressed out on the road. He could get into some serious trouble, this is the real deal. His hand lands on my thigh and he rubs up and down "calm down. I've got this". He sounds so confident that I actually do begin to relax. We're almost home when he says "I just might get my license next week". I nod my head in agreement as we turn onto our street.

Peter suddenly decides he wants to drive faster as we near the house and what happens next is like something out of a movie or car commercial. A soccer ball rolls out onto the road and a boy who looks about nine runs onto the street after it. I grab the bar yelling "brake, Peter, brake", because we're like ten feet from the kid. Instead of the car coming to a stop it shoots forward "THE OTHER BRAKE" I scream as the worst case scenario runs through my head.

Peter hits the boy, he gets arrested, the word gets out, the parents of the deceased find out who my father is and sues, the government somehow realizes that Peter has no real records, they interrogate my entire family, someone caves and tells them Peter is Peter Pan from Neverland, they abduct Peter from jail, and either put him in a spongy cell or dissect him like a frog searching for Lord knows what. Suddenly the car jerks to a stop causing my body to fling forward and hit the dashboard. I guess that's why you wear a seatbelt.

I stay on the dashboard with my head down, letting my heart beat get back to it's normal beats per minute. Without lifting my head I put the car in park and turn it off. "I-" I lift my hand silently telling Peter to shutup. Eventually I get out of the car and walk over to the drivers side. I open the door and Peter gets out. I get in and wait until Peter is in before moving. "I guess I'm not getting my license next week" he says, "definitely not".

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now