Chapter 54

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He's dead. He is so dead. I can't believe he would do this again!! Everything was going great, I thought we had a future together. I was so foolish to actually think he left Neverland for me. He left so he could finish what he started, I'm going to put a end to this right now. I grab my coat and keys and stomp towards the garage. "Where are you going" grandmother asks, "Storybrooke" I answer opening the door.

"Do you really think that's a good idea", I whip around to face her "do you think it's a good idea for me to stay here and allow an innocent person to die?" She shakes her head and I turn back to the car, "wouldn't it just be easier and cheaper to teleport there instead of driving" she asks and I stop in my tracks. "It would be. But I have no idea what it looks like so I can't exactly teleport there", she rolls her eyes "you should really come to France more often so I can train you".

She grabs my hand and in an instant we're in a quaint little town, that would probably look more friendly if people were walking around. I look from left to right and the place is completely deserted "they're probably hiding" she says looking around as well. I nod and take a step forward before I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to look at my grandmother and she looks so concerned and worried.

I pull her into a hug "don't worry. I'll be fine, I've been through something like this before believe it or not". She laughs "oh, I believe it", she stops laughing and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "be careful, alright". I smile "yes, grandma" she smiles back before I walk away. I turn around to say to her "and could you not mention this to mom or dad? I'll tell them, eventually". She pretends to zip her mouth and lock it, I smile and blow her a kiss before walking away.

Now, I just have to find him. That should be easy considering that everyone here is hiding. I walk around for what seems like hours until I end up right back where I started. Ok, maybe it's not so easy. I turn around scratching my head to see what I can do to make finding him faster and then I hear someone cry "HENRY!!!"

Well that certainly helps. I run in the direction in which I heard the scream and find myself entering a forest. As I get closer I begin to hear hysterical voices that make me run faster. I push through some branches and gape at the sight before me. Everyone except Henry is floating in the air completely helpless. Emma and Snow are crying while Regina looks like she's trying to break free and also trying really hard not to cry. Hook, Neal, and Charming are all struggling while Peter clutches Henry to his chest and looks like he's about to steal his heart. If I don't act fast this could end really badly, really fast.

I teleport in front of him and snatch Henry away. I put him behind me before turning to Peter "what the absolute hell are doing?" He looks at me in shock before opening his mouth "honey, what are you doing here" he smiles at me and I stare back blankly. "That's a great question. You can answer it along with my first question". He stands there speechless, like he thought he wasn't going to get caught. Didn't I tell him that I will always find out what he's up to?

"Well, while you ponder your answer, I'm going to clean up the mess you've made" I say turning around. I wave my hand in the direction of the floating humans and they all fall to the ground with a collective grunt. Henry runs toward them at the same time I hear "No", from behind me before I see the gang float back up. I feel something inside me crack a little but I choose to ignore it as I turn to Peter.

"Excuse me", I ask as I motion behind me and release them from Peter's spell, "what do you mean by no?" I start to walk toward him and a worried expression flashes across his face. "You look a little stressed, pancake, let me help you relax", I put my hand out and form a fist bringing it down until Peter is to his knees unable to move. I don't know where I'm getting the power to do all of this, but I'm glad I can. I can tell by the shock on his face that he can't break free.

"Why can't I break free" he asks shamelessly showing his struggle. I close the remaining gap between us and grab his chin "did you forget I have magical abilities too? I don't know what I am, and I don't know what you are, but apparently I'm stronger than you". Shock crosses his eyes before he says "Camilla, I'm-", "you're what? Sorry?", I ask releasing him and standing up to my full height above him, "sorry for what? For doing all of this or getting caught? How many more times am I going to have to hear your fake ass apologies?"

I pause for a few seconds and just stare at him, and I don't see a bit of remorse in his face. "All those questions and you can't answer one. My grandma said you had a hidden agenda the second she saw you. I should have believed her, I was such a moron for actually believing that you left Neverland for me. That you left because you love me." His face falls "bu-", "shutup!! Did I say you could speak? I didn't think so". He looks shocked by my outburst and quite frankly I am too, I don't know where it came from but I'm too mad to care.

Maybe I should hear him out. Hear what he has to say, but honestly what could he honestly say for himself? What I see is he was going to steal Henry's heart and fly to Neverland without a goodbye to me. I don't know what era he's from, but I'm pretty sure no one ever left a loved one like that on purpose.

"I gave you a chance to talk and you didn't take it. I can't take this any more, and I refuse to be strung along by you of all people. I deserve better. I'm done with your games, your lies, and you. So, if you want to fly back to Neverland and be a boy forever go right ahead, because I'm not going to stop you any longer and I'm sure as hell not going to join you. I'm going I stay here on Earth and live the life I'm supposed to. I'm going to grow up and when I do I'm going to need a man, not a boy. And it looks like you'll always be a boy."

I grab at the bracelet on my wrist and take it off, dropping it in front of him. His face becomes a pool of despair and agony as I walk around him. When I'm at least seventy meters away from him I release the spell and almost immediately hear him yell my name. The dread in his voice causes the tears to finally roll down my face as I begin to run.

I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to see him, or hear him. I just want to forget. I want to forget the feelings he stirs in my stomach with just one look, I want to forget his laughter and his voice, I want to forget how he can make me laugh even when I'm upset with him. I just want to forget everything that's happened these last four or five months and start over. I should have never picked up that stupid leather bound book.

Suddenly I hear a massive crack before my ears pop and the sounds of the forest are replaced by a slight ringing. A feeling of nostalgia overwhelms me as I feel my heart begin to beat rapidly and off beat. I stop running as a large stinging pain originates in my heart and runs throughout my body. I know I haven't worked out in a while, but damn, it shouldn't hurt this much.

I attempt to take another step but my legs collapse beneath me and I tumble to the forest ground as the large stinging pain turns into a pain that can only be described as someone bringing a jackhammer to your heart. Then, I remember where I've felt this before. Right after Peter and I had a similar fight. I broke up with him, and my heart broke as well. I clutch at my chest and open my mouth letting out a scream that I can not hear.

I begin to feel myself drift off, but I know I can't. I can't fall asleep, because I'll wake up just as evil, if not more, as Regina and Rumple. I don't think my parents will be proud of having a magically evil daughter with a broken heart. But sleep seems so comforting right now. Nice, painless sleep that is always there when you need it most. As I jump off the cliff into unconsciousness the last thing I see is green shoes clashing with the brown forest floor.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now