Chapter 41

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"Camilla......Mickey........sweetie wake up!!" I wake up startled and hit Peter's nose with my forehead causing him to fall off my bed. I crawl over the lavender silk sheets to the edge of the bed where the groaning is coming from. He rolls onto his back and opens his eyes "you almost knocked me out".

"I'm sorry, baby, did I break your nose" I ask full of concern, "no" he takes his hands off his nose and pinches it lightly to check. "Then who told you it was a good idea to wake me up with a yell" I shout. "My brain" he says as more of a question, "well maybe you should listen to your heart next time" I say. "What if my heart agrees with my brain? There's only one other part of my body to listen to" he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yea, don't listen to that one either" I answer getting out of bed. He chuckles as he gets up "your room is very.......large", I look around at my new room which is very large. It's rectangular shaped with lavender and white feather wallpaper, a flat screen in front of my queen sized canopy bed, a vanity, and french doors leading to a balcony with a view of the garden in the backyard.

" should go get ready for breakfast" I say turning towards the bathroom. He grabs my arm and turns me around and pulls me to him "are you sure you don't want to get ready together" he says in a lustful voice. I raise an eyebrow "two and a half months into the relationship? No, I don't think I'm ready for the morning breath and B.O yet. We're not on that level" I say pushing him out my room and shutting the door.

That was weird. He's never been so straight forward before. I shrug it off and walk into my bathroom to wash the sleep away. An hour later I emerge from my room smelling of spring time and dressed in some jean shorts and a tank top. I walk down the steps and into the kitchen to find everyone but Peter and my father there. "Good morning, angel" my mom says giving me a kiss, "morning" I answer taking a seat next to Felix.

Mom sets a plate of eggs and bacon and a bowl of fruit in front of me "Your dad had to go into the office for a few hours." I start to dig in and swallow before saying "that's alright. Can I borrow the car to take Peter back to school shopping?" Mom nods "clothes and supplies" she asks, I shake my head while chewing on some bacon "just clothes. Any supplies they need we can just materialize."

"Can't you do that with the clothes, too" she asks. "Yea, but I need an excuse to go out today sooo....." I trail off. Mom laughs and tosses me the keys to the Mercedes as Peter walks in wearing jeans and a T shirt. "Mind if I come" Felix asks, "not at all" I answer, "come where" Peter asks taking my last piece of bacon while sitting next to me. "Remember I told you we had to go shopping" I answer trying to get my bacon back, but he stuffs it in his mouth and chews smugly.

I flick his nose as my mom sets a plate in front of Peter. She takes a piece of his bacon and hands it to me "hey" he says in protest. She shrugs "it's fair" then she turns and walks out. "Hurry up and eat so we can go" I say before biting the bacon and leaving.

After what seems like forever, we're finally on the road with the GPS leading us to the nearest mall when something comes to my mind. "You two are going to have to learn how to drive" I say, "you mean a car" Felix asks from the backseat. I roll my eyes "no I mean a spaceship, of course I mean a car", Peter runs a hand through his hair "are you sure? Can't you just hire a driver to take us around?"

I scoff "no. Drivers are expensive, and we only use them for show." I pull into the parking lot and park the car "so, I guess you two are going to get permits and we'll move on from there." I turn to look at the two; Felix looks fine but Peter doesn't "are you scared" I ask him. He scoffs "no", Felix makes his way in between the driver and passenger seats, grabs Peter's hair, and makes his head turn to face him before turning to me to say "he's lying". With that he opens the door and climbs out.

I laugh and grab Peter's hand "there's nothing to be afraid of. It's just like the razzi's, I'll be there with you every step of the way". I climb out of the car and lead the way to the entrance. Half way there Peter grabs my hand and turns me around "I'm not afraid, just a little worried. A lot has changed since I was last here. It's going to take some getting used to". I smile and kiss him tenderly "and I'll still be here every step of the way" I say when we pull apart. Felix appears beside us and says "just so you know he's still lying. He's petrified of this new world. It just wounds his pride to have that out in the open."

"Felix", Peter says turning towards him, "am I going to have to teach you when to shutup?" Felix puts his hands up in an innocent way and starts to walk towards the entrance, I laugh and follow with Peter in tow. We spend some hours shopping, mostly for me but that's besides the point, before we stop at the food court.

We're at the counter of yin yang express when Felix points at something "what's that?" I look before answering "noodles", he rolls his eyes "I know that. What's that in the noodles?" I look more closely "I think it's either squid or octopus. You want some?" He grimaces "people eat that", I nod "they also eat dog, but I don't think that's on the menu."

His face turns into one that looks like it's going to throw up "I think I'm going to be sick. Maybe I should sit down" he turns towards the tables and I ask "what about your food?" He waves his hand dismissively "get me what you order", I smile evilly "even if it's the squid noodles?"

"No" he practically yells causing me to giggle. I order our food while Peter absentmindedly plays with my hair and rubs his hand up and down my curve. I pull away from him for a second to pay for the food when I hear an exuberant "Cammie!" Cammie? Oh no! Cammie! A string of explicits runs through my mind in the two seconds it takes me to remember who calls me Cammie.

A hand comes down on my shoulder and turns me around. I stare at a muscular face with a five o'clock shadow, high cheeks bones, shining blue eyes, and black hair. "Hey Ni-" I can't finish my greeting because he smashes his lips to mine, which shocks me, and before I can react he's pulled away by someone. That someone being Peter who doesn't waste a second before connecting his fist with the guy's face. The guy tumbles to the floor, knocked out.

Where'd he learn to do that? Peter turns his deadly glare to me "who the hell is that?!" I open and close my mouth like a fish out of water unable to say the words: that's Niko, the boyfriend I forgot I had.

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