Chapter 13

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*2 months later*

I'm lying on the couch wearing a gold and white tribal print shirt and white high waisted shorts reading a book that I found. Its a bunch of spells I can't cast, but whatever it's something to do. Music suddenly starts playing and I hear boys shouting and yelping outside. What is going on? I slowly get up slide on my Toms and head out the door. As soon as I step outside I see the lost boys dancing and hopping around a fire like a bunch of crazy people who deserve a spongy cell.

I lean on the railing to gaze upon the spectacle, and I can't help the smile that breaks my face. They look so carefree and silly. My eyes lie upon something I should have seen before, because he sticks out. The only boy not jumping and dancing, in fact he's just sitting there on a log like he hates it here. He's brown headed wearing a black jacket, a gray and red striped scarf, a blue shirt, and blue jeans. He looks about ten or eleven.

I tilt my head to the side in curiosity as Peter goes and talks to him; he doesn't look like he likes Peter very much either. Peter puts something up to his lips; what is that? Is that a pan flute?? Oh my Jesus, it is!! This guy can not be serious!! I understand you're Peter Pan and all, and it goes with the movie, but come on, really??? I shake my head in disbelief, and the boy looks up at me. Peter turns to see what he's looking at and I smile.

Peter says something to the boy before appearing next to me. If this was a month ago I would have jumped, but I guess I'm used to it now. "Hey babe" he says kissing my cheek. "Not a lively bunch, huh" I ask, he shrugs and smiles saying "what can I say? They like to party". I laugh "if this is what you guys call a party I wonder what you would call the parties down on earth. Who's that" I ask nodding to the boy, he chuckles and says "you don't beat about the bush at all, Micky", I smile sweetly and say "one of my many flattering personality traits; now who's the boy?" He leans on the railing next to me and says "that's Henry" I nod my head waiting for more, but I don't get any.

I stare at Peter and he stares back at me I roll my eyes and ask "why is he here", Peter shrugs and says "he's a new lost boy" I nod and look at Henry. He looks up at us briefly and than stares back at the lost boys. "How'd he get here" I ask, "the same way you did" answers Peter in an exasperated voice. Well, geez if he doesn't want to answer my questions I'll go ask Henry; he looks lonely done there any way.

I walk to the ladder and when I get there I hear Peter ask "where are you going" I look at him blankly and say "to welcome Henry". A worried look flashes across his face before he says "I don't want you to talk to him", I look at him blankly some more before I say "yeeaaahh..........that sucks" and I climb down the ladder.

When I get to the bottom I look up to see a steamed Peter Pan looking down at me. I smile and twinkle my fingers at him as a greeting before I turn around and make my way to Henry. He looks at me with an expressionless face as I sit down on the log next to him. "Hi, Henry I'm Camilla" I say smiling, he gives me a weird look and asks "how do you know my name" I chuckle and say "oh, Peter told me".

He nods and stares back at the fire. Well, this is awkward. "Why are you here" he asks suddenly, "I live here" I answer. He frowns at me and says "but you're a girl", I tilt my head. Well duh, I think I noticed that, "sorry", he says, "it's just that's not apart of the story". My eyes go wide and I laugh as I realize he's talking about Disney's Peter Pan. He gives me another weird look and I say still giggling "sorry, that was just funny to me. You'll find a lot of things here are not like the movie"

"Yea", he says, "are you and Peter together?" I look up at where Peter is and he's glaring at us; I blow him a kiss and turn back to Henry "yea, you could say that" I say. "Did he make those two people bring you here too" he asks, I raise my eyebrows in question "what people" I ask.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now