Chapter 7

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After finishing my lunch, and deciding to stay I realize that it's already dark outside and that I only have maybe thirty minutes to get ready. I rush to my closet and pick out white pants, a Jack Daniels shirt, a beanie that says 'shit just got real', and black converse. I hurry into the bathroom and take a shower. After I'm all dressed and ready I walk into the foyer and out the door. Standing at the foot of the ladder I can hear pacing footsteps, that must be Peter; at least we have that in common. I take a deep breath, to calm my nerves, and begin to climb down the ladder.

I get to the bottom and turn around to see a stunned, and somewhat pleased, Peter Pan. He changed his outfit, well not really, it's the same outfit it's just black instead of green. I guess we think alike, "I didn't think you would come" he says interrupting my thoughts. I shrug my shoulders in response, "I'm going to take you somewhere, but we need to walk" I stare down at my converse. This is really awkward.

I feel his hands on my face{when did he even move?} as he tilts it up to look at him. "Camilla this whole second chance thing isn't going to work if you're not speaking to me" he says looking at me with those brilliant green eyes. "It's not that I'm not speaking to you Peter, I....just don't know what to say" I respond, "you always know what to say Camilla", he says smiling, "you just don't want to say it".

I smile, he always seems to know what's going on in my head even when I don't. I take his hand off my face, intertwining our fingers, and say "let's go". He begins to walk towards the place we entered yesterday and I stop; he turns and looks at me questionably. "I still can't see in there", I explain, realization comes across his face as he nods his head and says "right, forgot". He takes a step closer to me and puts his hand on my eyes.

"Are you making me blind", I ask, "what? No", he answers sounding utterly shocked, "why would you think that?", "Because every time you use magic on me it's always against what I want", I answer. He removes his hand and says "good point, but that's not the case this time. I just made you able to see in the dark without light", my eyes go wide and I say "for real? So I have like cat eyes?" He laughs and says "sure, now lets go".

We walk to the trees and he waves his hand over them; they open up like they did before, and we walk through. Amazingly I really can see, it's like there's light every where instead of darkness. "So where are we going" I ask letting my curiosity show, "some place special" he answers. "Peter this whole island is special" I point out, "than there's no reason for you to be so curious" he answers smiling down at me. I stick my tongue out at him childishly, and he does the same towards me.

"Where were you going", he asks me after a few steps, "what" I ask back intelligently. "On the boat where you found that book and it brought you here. Where were you originally going" he explains. He helps me up and over a dead tree before I answer "I was going to France". "France" he asks in bewilderment raising his eyebrows, "yes" I confirm "why" he asks. "Because my dad thought it would be best for me to go live with my grandmother, so I could calm my wild behavior" I answer in an exasperated tone.

"Wild behavior" he questions, "lets just say I wasn't the ideal senators daughter" I answer. We walk for a couple minutes before he asks "you and you're dad are not close, are you", "how'd you reach that conclusion" I ask back. "Well, if you were he would have kept you. No matter how wild you got." I feel the sting of tears in my eyes, and I take a few minutes to calm down before I answer "no, we're not close. We're so far apart it's like I'm in Dallas, Texas and he's in Moscow". I can feel him looking at me, but I don't want to see the pity in his face; pity makes me angry.

"Were you two always like that" he asks, "you sure do have a lot of questions tonight" I say trying to avoid the question. "I'm curious dammit now answer the question" he says mocking me from yesterday, "touché" I say laughing. We take a few steps and I start to get some hope that he forgot his question when he says "Camilla" in a tone that says I better answer his question. "Alright. Geez. No, we were not always like that; actually we were really close. I remember when he took me to Coney Island, and he won a bear for me that was twice my size. I ate so much cotton candy that I got sick when we got home. Mom was so mad" I say laughing.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now