Chapter 46

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Other than Niko being a complete jerk, today has been amazing. Peter kept distracting me in second, which I didn't mind, but I know I'll regret it later on when I have no idea what the teacher is talking about.

I have third with Jasmine and she just can't shutup about Felix. Felix has soft hair, Felix has the most bright eyes of any boy ever, Felix has nice muscles, blah, blah, blah. Don't get me wrong, I like Felix, but I don't want to talk about him non stop for a whole class. "Have you noticed you've talked about Felix for like ninety minutes? I bet you don't even know what class this is" I say interrupting her on going admiration.

She glances around for a bit before asking "a science class?" I raise an eyebrow "which science", she glances around a bit more "who cares" she says waving her hand in a dismissive manner. I shake my head at her in disbelief, because she should care if she wants to graduate. "Mickey, I'm sorry if I'm boring you, but I really like him", I scoff "like I haven't heard that before".

"Yea, I know I say that a lot, but have you heard me talk about a guy like this before?" I think about it for a bit before answering "I guess not, but why are you telling me? I can't do anything for your situation. As long as you don't hurt him, go for it."

"But there is something you can do. See if he likes me back". I raise both my eyebrows before laughing "you're kidding, right" she shakes her head and frowns at me. "Jas, every guy you're interested in likes you. Why would Felix be any different", she shrugs "I don't know. I'm just not getting that vibe from him, you know what I mean?"

I nod even though I have no idea what she means. I agree to helping her, just so we can finally change the subject. The bell rings for lunch and we all rush to the café. One of the things I absolutely love about Sterling Academy is the food. Every first day is a buffet of foods from across the world, it's the only reason why the kids here look forward to first days. I grab a plate and immediately start piling on lasagna, curry chicken, sushi a bowl of gilato, and an assortment of other delicious foods before going up to the cashier to pay for it.

We find a round table next to the floor to ceiling windows and settle there. After a few minutes Luna and Robin find us. "I can honestly say that the only thing I'll miss about this place is the food" Luna says before shoveling some kalamari in her mouth. I scrunch up my nose at her food choice, but I guess everyone has at least one weird food that they like. "Aren't you concerned where Peter and Felix are" Jasmine asks shaking my arm, "no. Why would I? They're big boys, they can take care of themselves".

"She's just asking that because she's obsessed" Robin points out, "am not" Jasmine retaliates and the other girls and I give her a skeptical look. "Maybe a little" she admits, "more like a lot" I correct her. "I never thought I'd see the day that Jasmine would fall for a guy like this" Luna says smiling.

"Aawww she's blushing", I mock poking her cheek, "you look like a tomato with eyes". She bats my hand away and I laugh. Tyler comes out of no where and kisses Robin on the cheek before sitting down "what's so funny?" Tyler is a tall dirty blonde, green eyed guy, who's very chill and is practically the only guy that's been able to handle Robin and her craziness.

"Jasmine blushing" I answer, and when I look up Tyler is staring at me "I still can't believe what you went through. Must have been tough". I nod slowly "yeeeaaa" if only he knew what I really went through then he'd know how tough it was. "And that new boyfriend of yours is making the grape vine go crazy. Just like you usually do. Seems like you two are perfect for each other" I frown at him "what do you mean?" I haven't heard anything from any one, what could Peter possibly have done on his first day?

"Just that him and James had a heated moment between second and third", I groan and put my forehead in my hand. James is one of Niko's many cronies, a very large and built guy who isn't very friendly, I forgot to tell Peter about them. "Niko" Jasmine questions looking at me, "yea, when I went to break things off with him he like, declared war or something with Peter, and now he won't leave us alone".

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