Chapter 21

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I've stopped crying, but I feel like I'm dying inside. Like I'm slowly slipping into a dark hole and I have nothing to grab onto to keep from getting swallowed. I've never felt like this before and I honestly never want to again. I want it to stop.

Sitting on this log, hunched over with my head in my hands I try to decipher exactly what I'm feeling so I can stop it. All of a sudden I feel my ears pop and a slight ringing begins. I look up and around, confused, because it seems like I'm the only one who's experiencing this. Snow comes and sits by me, she says something but I can't hear what she's saying. All I hear is the ringing.

I frown at her and shake my head at her, motioning at my ears. I say "I can't hear you" but since I can't hear myself I don't know if I actually say it. Snow looks at me in a peculiar way, and then her eyes go wide as if she's seen a goblin. At the same time my heart starts beating quickly in an erratic fashion, and I feel as if I'm having four aneurisms at once.

I clutch my heart and feel my face turn to one of anguish. Snow looks panicked and calls the others, they all come rushing towards me. I look around frantically because I literally feel like I'm about to die. No, I can't die! Not at the age of sixteen on Neverland of all places! That would be ironic, though, if I died on an island where you're supposed to live forever. I have so many experiences to experience, and I can't experience them dead! Jesus, no, don't let me die!

Suddenly a golden cloud surrounds me; I feel my heart go back to it's normal speed, the pain in my chest goes away, and my ears pop again. When the cloud disperses the sensation of feeling like I'm slipping into a dark hole is still there, but not as strong as before. I look around at every one and they all look as frightened as I feel, well, except for Regina.

"Is someone going to tell me what the hell was just happening to me" I ask, "you were going into a coma" answers Regina. I look at her in a confused way and she says "you would have slipped into the coma and woken up three days later just as evil as Rumple and I."

My jaw drops and I say "you're kidding, but....why?" She shrugs and says "you're heart is broken. More specifically the good side of your heart is broken, so your evil side was going to take over. Your heart was going black", I shake my head vigorously "no it's not. My heart is not broken" I say in a confident tone.

Regina rolls her eyes, and bends on one knee in front of me. She puts her hand over my chest and my heart beat can be heard by everyone as if she put a microphone in it. It's like I have two hearts instead of one, like one side is beating slower than the other. "You know, on Earth when you can hear two heart beats it could mean you're pregnant" says Emma. I look at her with wide eyes and then look back at Regina "yea it's broken heart" I say in a rushed tone. Every one laughs, even Regina cracks a smile.

There's no way on Earth or Neverland that I'm pregnant. "So, what did you do", I ask Regina, "you obviously didn't cure it because I still feel like I'm slipping into a dark hole; which I'm guessing is my evil side". "I just temporarily made your evil side weaker", answers Regina getting off her knee, "the only way to cure a broken heart is to either go back to the one it's broken for, if you can, or become evil."

I purse my lips; I really don't want to go back to Peter. I'm not ready for that, I need time. Time to think, time to decide, time to come to terms with what exactly I've gotten myself into. "What happened any way", asks Snow giving me a concerned look, "did you and Pan break up." Did we break up? I really didn't say it was over between us, but I guess my heart knows more than I do since it's broken and all. That would be stupid if my heart broke simply over a fight, we've fought before and I've never felt like this.

"Yea. I guess we did" I answer look solemnly at the ground. Snow puts her hand on my shoulder and I look up at her giving her small smile of reassurance. There's no way I'm going evil over a boy of all things. Even if he is a hot boy who makes me feel like I have ten million butterflies in my stomach. Snow opens her mouth to say something, but is interrupted by a loud crash in the forest that sounds oddly familiar to me. We all look in the direction of the crash and birds fly into the air. We hear loud creaking as a nearby tree slowly falls to the ground.

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