Chapter 55

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Peters POV

I don't waste a second after I feel the ability to move my limbs return to me. I get up and rush after Camilla. I don't know what came over me, or why I even thought I'd be able to get away with it. I know that the only person I can't successfully lie to is Camilla.

I remember when the thought came to me when I was lying in bed the day after Niko was assigned as Camilla's partner. It bothered me how much of an affect he had on her, and how maybe it would have been better if I had let her go instead of coming along. I couldn't go to sleep because I kept thinking about her leaving me for Niko.

Well, it was also a pride thing too. It irked me that I was beaten, that in a way I lost. So, I decided to steal Henry's heart and stay here as long as Camilla wanted me. I thought I'd be able to do it without Camilla finding out. I can remember the shock I felt when she appeared in front of me out of no where. I also remember how my heart dropped.

I'm still shocked at how powerful her magic got when she got angry, if only we can control that--no!! She is not Abigail. I will not lose her because I have no self control, I will beg and plead and do everything in my power to please her until she forgives me. An agonizing scream pierces through my thoughts and I immediately recognize it as Camilla's scream. I run towards the sound yelling her name and pushing branches out of the way.

I see a lump on the forest floor and run faster. I get there in time to watch her eyes flutter close. I drop to my knees and shake her "Camilla" she doesn't stir even a little, "Camilla, come on babe, wake up" I shake her some more and I begin to feel myself panic. Did I kill her? I don't know what to do because I don't know what's wrong with her. "She's not dead, Pan", I turn to see Regina come up behind me, "just asleep".

"Why? What do I have to do to wake her up" I ask. She kneels on the other side of Camilla and waves her hand over Camilla's heart. Her heart appears cracked, half orange, half black, and the black is attaching itself to the orange; but as the orange touches the black it turns black itself. "I broker her heart" I whisper.

I've heard that this could happen. Children with good and evil in their lineage have a fifty/fifty percent chance of being either one, it mostly depends on how their brought up. If they're brought up in a home with morals, they end up good, if they have no morals they end up evil. With Camilla, it's different. She grew up in a house with morals but still managed to find a way to be immoral. So her heart must have stayed half black and half orange, and now because of me she's going to becomes something she's never wanted to be.

"You did. I can wake her up, but that won't save her" Regina says to me. "What will? Whatever it is, just do it" I say frantically looking at the girl that I've put through so much pain already. "She needs to fall in love with someone else" she answers. I look up at her as if she just told a cruel joke, but her face has no hint of humor in it. My initial response is to be selfish and let her become evil. We could take over the world and rule with an iron fist, but I know that's not what she would want.

She left Neverland to have a normal life and that's what I'll give her. She deserves someone better than me, someone who can give her the life she wants, the kind I can't give to her at the moment. "Alright", I say with a sigh, "do it", she looks shocked for a second before saying "I can wake her up long enough for you to say a few words, I'll have to put a spell on her so she can hear you, then I have to put a spell on her so that she'll fall in love with the first guy who kisses her."

Before I can even process everything she's just told me she puts her hand on Camilla's forehead and Camilla's eyes flutter open. She glances around for a few seconds and when her eyes land on me her face twists into an expression of unbearable pain. It makes my guilt much more prominent when I see how much pain I'm causing her, but if this is going to be the last time I talk to her I'm going to make the most of it.

"Camilla, I'm so very extremely sorry about what I've done. I just felt threatened by Niko and I just wanted some security in case you decided you wanted to go back to him. But all I ended up doing was hurting the one person I've ever loved, and I-" my voice cracks at the end and the one thing I never thought I would do happens, and a tear falls down my cheek.

Camilla looks dumbfounded by my tears and I am too. She grabs my hand before saying "I thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye to me. That the whole reason you came here was to steal his heart, and that you lied to me this entire time. I do believe you, but I don't know if I can forgive you. I feel like you keep going behind my back because I always forgive you, and that needs to stop."

"I know", I answer, "and it will end. Right now". She frowns at me as if to ask what I'm talking about. I sigh "you have a broken heart, which I think you know, and the only way to fix it is for you to fall in love with someone else". Her face falls before she says "no, no, no!! I don't want to, there has to be another way, please tell me there's another way." She turns to Regina with a desperate look on her face.

Regina shakes her head "not that I know of. It's either that or become evil, and even if there was another way there's not enough time". Camilla looks at me with tears in her eyes as she props herself on her elbows "but what will you do?" I squeeze her hand "I'll always be around. You won't see me, but I'll be there, to watch you grow up and to protect you. Like a guardian angel or something, and I'll try to become the man you want me to be. I'll try to grow up".

"I don't think you'd do a very good job being me guardian angel" she says with a smile, I chuckle a little and nod as an agreement. I probably wouldn't make a very good guardian angel, but for her, I will. "So, is this goodbye" she asks, I shake my head "no. We will never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting", I pull out her bracelet and put it on her wrist, "and you must never forget because I will never forget".

The tears in her eyes start to roll down "you watched Peter Pan" she says. I pull her into a hug, "I did. It's a good movie, but please don't cry. One morning you'll wake up next to the love of your life and this moment won't seem so bad" for some reason this seems to make her cry even harder and it takes me a minute to realize why; because it won't be me. "Pan, you don't have much time left" Regina says, I pull away from Camilla and crash my lips onto her, savoring every little thing about it. How soft her lips are, how they seem to taste like lemonade today, how they mold seamlessly with mine, and how her tears mix with mine in the process.

I pull away from her lingering just a little bit longer before turning to Regina and nodding my head. Regina puts her hand over Camilla's heart and Camilla blows me a kiss before her beautiful cerulean eyes flutter shut. I groan loudly because out of everything I have to do this is the hardest. Even though I hate the guy with every fibre of my being, he's the only guy I trust to love Camilla the way I do.

I turn to Regina to say thank you but discover that she's left, I guess she couldn't stand to be within ten feet of me without trying to kill me. I wave my hand and make Niko appear before me. He looks shocked and frightened, both expected. I walk up to him and grab him by the collar before he can say anything "look, I don't like you one bit, so I don't need to explain any of this to you. Camilla is lying down there moments from......death. If you kiss her, you can save her, but if you decide to stand here and ask stupid questions she will die and it will be your fault. Well......partially."

I release him and begin to walk away. I don't want to see him kiss her, it was hard enough to bring him here in the first place. "Can I ask one question", I hear him ask from behind me, I stop as my response. "If a kiss is what she needs to save her, why don't you do it". Without turning around I answer "I'm not good enough for her". I disappear behind the branches before I take flight, going wherever the wind and stars will take me.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now