Chapter 15

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It's been a couple of days since my first magic lesson, and I've got to say I'm making some progress. Even Peter says I'm a faster learner than he expected. So far I've learned everything from how to make things materialize before me to casting various spells. I'm sitting on a log waiting for Peter to show up so we can begin this lesson.

Playing with a loose thread on my turquoise top I begin to wonder where he is. He's been missing a lot lately, he knew he would too. I know this because right before these MIA acts he told me to always be here when the sun was right up in the sky. Well that's where it is right now; he's late. I look down at my boots and see a bug crossing across one of them. I kick it off and I hear movement in the trees, maybe it's Peter. I watch as Henry emerges from the trees, and I tilt my head; where is he coming from? "Hey, Henry" I yell waving at him.

His head shoots up as if I caught him stealing something, and see him physically relax when he sees it's just me. "Hey, Camilla" he yells back, I motion for him to come and he begins to walk across the camp toward me. "Sit and keep me company" I say patting the spot next to me. He sits down and I shift in my spot so I can see him fully. "How's it going? Are you warming up to Neverland yet" I ask him, he gives me a funny look and answers "why should I? It's not like I'm going to stay here. My family is coming to get me".

Oh no. I really hope he doesn't have that thought in his mind for too long; he'll be devastated when it dawns on him that they're not coming to get him. I'd tell him myself, but he's such a sweet kid I couldn't do that to him. "Why does Pan call you his lovely lost girl", he asks; wow that was random. "I don't know", I answer honestly, "I guess because I'm just like the lost boys on the inside, except I'm a girl".

"But it's you he's talking about when he says my lovely lost girl, right" he asks, Im beginning to think there's a reason behind these questions. "I better be, but why the questions" I ask, "no reason" he says shrugging his shoulders. I don't believe that for one second, but I'm choosing to let it go. No reason to beat a dead horse, if that's even how the saying goes. I look at him and suddenly feel like I should break it to him that if his family wanted to come get him it would be impossible. I don't know why, I guess I just wouldn't be able to see him so heart broken when he realizes it without a heads up.

"Do you really believe your family is coming to get you" I ask him, I see his face light up before he says "yea. I know they're coming". I sigh and say "Henry, I don't thin-", "they're coming", he says a little infuriated interrupting me, "they're already he-......they're just coming ok, and when they do we can take you back home with us" he finishes giving me a smile. I smile back and say "that's sweet of you, Henry, but I think I'll just stay here", he gives me a confused look and asks "you'd rather stay here with Pan, than go back home" I nod my head.

"Camilla, Pan isn't a good guy", he says giving me a serious look, "he's-", "hey, love" interrupts Peter coming through the trees. I snap my head between Henry and Peter, Henry gives me a little wave and a smile, but there's a look of worry on his face before he gets up and walks away. I look up at Peter as he approaches me with a smile. I wonder what Henry was going to say about Peter. I know Peter is kind of evil, but is he more evil than I thought? Should I be more cautious around him, or something?

I push those thoughts out of my head and smile up at Peter, I can't give away that we were just talking about him. If he is more evil than I thought that would not be good for Henry. "Hey, you're late" I say standing up, "yea, I'm sorry. I had a little.....detour on the way over here" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, I know I should be more cautious around him, but he just has a way of making me feel safe; like I would never get hurt by anyone as long as he's around. But what if he's the one you need to be worried about hurting you says the annoying lady in my head named conscious.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now