Chapter 25

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Peters POV

I don't understand her. She should be going on diatribe about how what I'm doing is wrong and all that, but she's not. She's just sitting here reading like I didn't make her a prisoner of this camp.

Many people might think I'm crazy and cold hearted, but I don't know what else to do. She betrayed my trust. I trusted her to always be by my side, to choose me, but she chose my enemy over me. If I didn't give her the privilege to leave she never would have met Henry, and I never would have lost her.

Now that I have her back I'm going to do everything in my power to keep her. I don't understand why she's not going on a complete rampage. That'.s what she usually does, because she doesn't know how else to express herself. If she didn't care for me she'd probably hurt me, like the others in New York, but this.....this calm not caring attitude shes adopted, I don't know what this means. Does she still care about me, or does she not care so much that she doesn't think it's worth it to even get mad?

She turns a page in the book as I examine her. Nothing on her perfectly soft face could indicate she's mad at me. Her button nose isn't flared, her cheeks aren't flushed in red, and the small yet cute vein that usually makes an appearance when she's angry is tucked safely behind the skin in her neck. She seems almost at peace, but the final thing I need to look at is her eyes. Her brilliant blue eyes, and she seems to be averting my gaze; or just simply ignoring me.

I reach over cupping her chin in my hand and force her to look at me. She looks at me straight on, pure curiosity laced through out her features. I look into her eyes, because what she doesn't know is that her eyes change shades of blue with her emotions. Her normal shade is a peaceful grayish blue, which is when she's happy. But when she's mad it's like a storm has come over an ocean. Her eyes turn such a dark shade of blue it's almost black.

As I look into her eyes I see it's a sapphire color. My eyes squint automatically out of confusion, trying to figure out what sapphire means. Realization flashes in her eyes as she figures out what I'm trying to do.

Two seconds later her pink tongue slides across her bottom lip, and my eyes dart from her eyes to her mouth on their own account. She brings her bottom lip into her mouth and bites down on it, trying to distract me from deciphering what her new eye color means, no doubt. But it has the desired effect because I can't help myself from leaning my face closer to hers.

When my lips are three inches from hers she removes my hand from her chin and brings the book in between our faces. I lean back fast enough to see the smirk on her face before she says "you said I couldn't leave the camp. How come your shadow won't let me leave the house?"

"Because I don't want you leaving the house right now. There's no reason for you to be out there" I answer watching her response carefully. That cute vein pops in her neck, and she takes a deep breath before shutting her book and standing. "I'm going to take a shower", she says while walking towards the bathroom, "if that's alright with you warden."

Warden? Did she just call me a warden? Before I even have time to respond she disappears into the bedroom. I shake my head in frustration, not understanding what's going on with her. I need some air to clear my head. I call my shadow telling it to make sure she doesn't leave the house while I'm gone before I teleport to the ground. I sit on a log and rub my temples. "I can understand dying and coming back to life in one day can be stressful, but you look a little too stressed" says a voice beside me.

Before even looking I already know it's Felix. "That girl is going to be the death of me" I sigh looking at him. He gives me a confused look "you two were just in there all over each other. What could have possibly happened in the last hour for you two to be on uneven ground already?" I sit straight up looking into the woods "I told her she couldn't leave the camp without my say so, and made my shadow make sure she doesn't disobey me."

Felix gives me a blank look before saying "let me get this straight. You basically made her a prisoner of this camp and made your shadow her guard, right?" I nod my head, "why" he asks. "Because she betrayed my trust by teaming up with Emma and her gang against me, I'm not letting something like that happen again. So I made her prisoner. That would explain why she just called me warden." He lets out a humorless laugh "don't you think that's a little extreme, Pan?" I give him an incredulous look "extreme would be me putting a boundary spell on her so that whenever she tries to leave the camp she gets a mild shock at the border. Extreme would be taking away her memory of how to get off the camp. Trust me Felix compared to everything else I could do to her this is no where near extreme".

Felix nods his head remembering how limitless my magic is "how'd she react?" I shake my head and run my hand through my hair "that's the thing. She didn't". Felix gives a look of pure shock before asking "no yelling? No holes in wall? No broken glass? Nothing" I shake my head in response. " wanted all of that" he gives me a look that you would give a sadist. "No. I just want any type of reaction besides....whatever this is" I answer.

"Pan if you want my honest opinion. I don't think this is the best way to keep her loyalty. She'll find a way to defy you, not because she wants to, but because she feels like she has to. To show you you don't own her. You already have her loyalty, she just feels like you're doing the wrong thing" he says, "well it's a good thing I don't want your opinion" I say getting up and walking towards the treehouse, not wanting to hear any more.

Before I manage to teleport into the treehouse I hear Felix say "I'm just saying if you keep this up its not going to end well for you Pan."

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My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن