Chapter 39

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We're all sitting inside eating sandwiches and drinking various drinks when my father speaks up "so, if they're coming with us where are they going to stay?" I give him a look that basically shows that I can't believe he just asked that. "Don't be stupid Jack, they're obviously going to stay with us" my mom says giving him a stern look, daring him to disagree.

He frowns "how are we going to explain who they are? We can't just introduce them as Peter Pan and his side kick Felix from Neverland". I roll my eyes "I've already got that all figured out. We'll just say after I came up from the whirl pool, I was rescued by a British charter ship. I've spent the last two months in London, and met Peter, who is now my boyfriend. We didn't want to part ways after you found me, so being the loving and charitable people that you are you let him come, and also let his best mate tag along."

"Oh she's good" my mom states, "yea she always had a gift for lying" my father mumbles looking at the ground defeated. "And as for mom, we'll just say she's a woman you fell in love with while looking for me" I say. My mom looks at me shocked "why" she asks, I look at her seriously "because you're dead mom. You can't just come back from the dead like it's a normal everyday thing that everyone does. That'll be a lot of controversy and bad publicity for father. Even more worse than any bad publicity I've given him."

My father nods "she has given me a lot of bad publicity". I give him a dead panned look before going on "plus your whole reason for leaving will be out in the open. You know? Father cheating on you, and what not." My mom lets out a defeated sigh before nodding "what about school? They've been up there for so long they probably don't even know who Abraham Lincoln is" my father speaks up bringing life to his argument to try and stop them from coming with us.

I look at Peter and Felix silently asking if they really don't know who Lincoln is. Felix shrugs and Peter looks at me silently asking if it matters whether he knows who Lincoln is or not. I put my face in my hands, rubbing my forehead, and release a breath of air trying to think of something. My head shoots up when I think of it "I'm sure grandmother has something that can catch them up on everything they should know up until now."

My father huffs and crosses his arms over his chest while my mom smiles proudly at me. I smile back before getting up to tell the captain that we're making a pit stop before going home.


The Mercedes stops in front of a red townhouse. My grandmothers house. The door opens and we each file out one by one into the Paris sun. My father does the honor of walking up the steps first and ringing the doorbell. A minute passes before a brunette with gray roots opens the door.

The thing about my grandmother is that as long as she covers the gray she doesn't actually look like a grandmother. She barely has any wrinkles, still relatively skinny with a tight body, and very active. I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend. She claps her hands "oh my family" she says in a thick French accent. She pulls my father into a bone crushing hug "hi mom" he wheezes out.

Next to be strangled is my mom who gives one back to my grandmother, and finally it's my turn to be strangled. "Oh ma seule petite fille", she sighs, "how is my only granddaughter doing?" She lets me out of her embrace so I can breathe "I'm fine, grandmother", I touch her roots, "I think it's time for a touch up, and I'm not your only granddaughter. Aunt Katherine had a daughter like a year ago."

She looks in a nearby mirror touching her roots as we all enter the house "yes but I haven't met her yet, and you know I'm one of those seeing is believing people, and why don't you call me grandma?". I tilt my head to the side in confusion as my father says "don't worry about it mom, she calls Miranda and I mother and father". My mom scoffs "speak for yourself, Jack, she called me mom on the ship.

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now