Chapter 42

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To say Peter was pissed is an understatement. When I spent at least a minute with my mouth open but with no words coming out Peter grabbed my arm and dragged me to a more private part of the mall. I was half glad and half not because we were causing a scene and because no one was around to help me if he went ballistic.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me "Camilla I need you to answer me. Who. Was. That?" I blinked a few times before answering "Niko", he rolled his eyes "that's not funny. Who's Niko to you" he asked. I bit my lip nervously "to me he's no one, but to him and possibly a lot of people he's my bogdksg".

"Your what" he questioned, I took a deep breath and whispered "boyfriend". I close my eyes, afraid of the outburst that was inevitable, but when it didn't come I opened one eye to look at him. He was a deep red and I could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell or do any magic. I reached for him "Pe-" he turned around and started for the exit. When he got to them he opened it so roughly the glass shattered.

I cringed and waited a few minutes before going after him. We're going to have to pay for that door. Where was he going any way? He couldn't leave, he came with me. When I got outside I found him pacing, clenching and unclenching his fists. When he looked at me it was like it fueled his anger, he turned towards a column and made a move to punch it. I put my hand out frantically and froze him, I quickly looked around to make sure no one saw that.

I walked up to him slowly and bent under his extended arm so that we were face to face. "What were you about to do? Punch the column? Are you stupid? Are you dense in the head? This isn't Neverland, you can't go around punching things. Especially columns connected to buildings full of people. You'll kill someone" I said frantically. Because he couldn't move or talk I could see what I had done to him. I'd hurt him, a lot, and what was worse was that I didn't mean to; I had genuinely forgotten. I grabbed him by either side of his face before saying "sweetie, I know what you're thinking and it's not true. I forgot I had a boyfriend, honest."

A skeptical look comes across his face and somehow he frees himself from my magic. "What the fuck do you mean you forgot you had a boyfriend", he asked pushing me away, "how stupid do you think I am? Who forgets they have a boyfriend?" I shook my head "I don't think you're stupid, and apparently I do", "so one day you're going to forget about me? You're going to meet some other guy and completely forget about me" he asked.

"No, Peter I would nev-", "just take us home. I don't want to hear any more" he said turning away and walking towards the car. Now we're half way home, and we've been driving in complete silence. I can feel the waves of fury coming off of him. I understand why he's mad, I'm mad at myself, but he has to know that I'm not lying. I really forgot.

"Tell me the truth" he says suddenly, I give him a quick side glance "about what? I have been telling the truth" I answer. He shakes his head "I'm not an idiot, Camilla. No one just forgets they have a boyfriend", I stop at a stop light and look at him "I do. I forget a lot of things easily. Honestly, Peter I didn't really consider him as a boyfriend before I left any way. He was more of a guarantee than anything else".

"Guarantee" he questions. "Yea, his dad is governor and my father's biggest supporter. As long as my father has his support its impossible for my father to lose an election, and with me 'dating' his son it was a given he would support my father" I explain. "So, you were basically using him" Peter asks, "pretty much" I answer as the light changes.

"That's sick, Camilla" he says after a minute. "I'm sick", I ask in bewilderment, "what about you?! I can't help but recall that about a month ago you were using an innocent boy for his heart." "Yea, and you could be furious with me for that, but I can't be pissed at you for this" he asks. "That's two different things though. When everything was said and done you were going to kill Henry. I'm not going to kill Niko. Maybe emotionally, but he'll get over it".

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWhere stories live. Discover now