Chapter 16

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Oh my head is spinning. Where am I? I seem to ask that question every time I pass out. I open my eyes to see a small camp. I try to move but am surprised to see that I'm tied up. To a stake. What is this the 1800's? I'm not a witch; this is not the Salem witch trials.

"Guys she's awake" I hear a voice say and turn my head to where the voice came from. I see a tall long haired blonde come out of the trees along with a group of other people. A brown haired man, a woman with short raven(black) hair, a blonde haired man, another brown haired man(with a hook? Wtf!!), and the woman who was at the door. I look around at them, and I know I should probably be freaking out like 'oh my Jesus they kidnapped me! I'm gonna die!' But strangely I don't feel that way.

They just stand there, surrounding me, staring. I know I'm not afraid or freaking out, but there is no way I'm speaking first. You don't just kidnap somebody without a follow up plan! "You're Camilla, right" asks the blonde, I squint my eyes at her in disbelieving way and say "wait, so you kidnapped me without knowing my name? Who does that?", "told you it was a stupid idea" said the pirate guy who just so happens to have a British accent. The weirdo.

"Every kidnapper in America kidnaps without knowing names" says the other brunette man, "this is not America", I say, "There's like two million people in America and twenty here. The least you could have done was make sure you had my name right." I don't know why I struck this conversation with these people, they have my name right, but whatever. "Can we get back to the plan" says the woman who was at my door. "And what plan is that" I ask curiously.

"To take away what Pan loves most" she answers stalking towards me like a lion would to a defenseless baby gazelle. What the fuck is she talking about? Is she talking about me? She's crazy. Like she's completely loco. She walks until she's in front of me and sticks out her hand towards my chest. Oh my gosh she's going to molest me!! Right when her hand touches my chest her hand gets burned and she steps back with a yelp. She looks confused and pissed at the same time. She tries again and the same thing happens.

"He must have put a protection spell on her" she says stepping away, I give her a confused look until it hits me. The 'insurance' he put on me right before he left, he's so smart. "What is wrong with you people", I ask, " what were you trying to do", "I was trying to rip your heart out" she answers without missing a beat. My eyes go wide and I feel the color drain from my face. Now I feel like freaking out. That's not normal!!

"Oh, Regina why did you have to say that", asks the other raven haired woman, "she looks like she's seen a-" "witch, yea that makes sense" says Regina interrupting the woman who has a sweet and comforting voice. Hearing her voice I've instantly decided I like her. She sounds like what I imagine a cloud would feel like. She has greens eyes and a face that matches her soft voice. "Actually I was going to say a ghost but that works too" says the cloud lady with a pointed look towards Regina.

I snicker and Regina gives me a death look. I give her one back that's says 'bitch you can't hurt me; I've got insurance'. The cloud lady and the brunette guy shes holding hands with laugh while he says "I can see why Pan loves her so much; she's brave" my face drops as soon as I hear that Peter loves me. I mean he's said it once before, but we were only teasing so I didn't take it seriously. Does he really love me?

"Sooo....why did you kidnap me" I ask, the blonde woman steps forward and says "Pan kidnapped someone we love, so we decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. He calls you his lovely lost girl. Which lets us know he loves and cares for you a lot." She's really pretty with high cheek bones, a button nose, and green eyes.

I tilt my head as the pieces begin to fit together " guys....are Henry's family", I say, "and you've come to save him" they all nod except for the British pirate I look at him with a confused look he's handsome for an older guy; he has a short beard/mustache thing going on and blue eyes. "I'm just a guide" he says "You live here" I ask, "you could say that" he answers. I gasp and my eyes go wide as a realization comes to me, "you're Captain Hook" I say a little excited. The blonde woman smiles and nods "are you afraid of crocodiles" I ask Hook and I see the blonde woman and brunette man shes standing next to crack a smile. "What?" asks Hook in confusion.

I begin to hum the tick tock crock song; the blonde and brunette begin to giggle. Then I say "tick tock, tick tock, tick tock" repeatedly to the beat as I remember doing as a child until the blonde and brunette burst out laughing, soon after I join them. The rest of the group look at us in a confused manner "you'd have to see the earthly version of Peter Pan to understand" explains the brunette as we sober up from our laughter. He has a mustache, goatee, and blue eyes.

"We're supposed to be torturing her, not laughing with her" says Regina in a slightly outraged manner. "Oh calm down. Live a little. You can't hurt me any way" I say to her, she throws a fire ball at me in rage and it evaporates right when it makes impact with my face. I'm surprised when I feel absolutely nothing. Although my heart is racing I don't let it show and say "Ooo you are a witch. From what story are you from?" She gives me another death look and I roll my eyes before the brunette man answers "Snow White".

I nod my head before saying to Regina "not nice of you going after your step-daughter like that; she didn't ask for you", "thank you" says the cloud lady. I look at her in shock as I ask "you're Snow White" she nods her head with a kind smile. Well that explains why her voice is so sweet; only a princess would have a voice like that. I turn to the brunette man she's holding hands with he has a slight five o'clock shadow and blue eyes asking "and you're like her prince, right" he nods and says "Prince Charming" I smile and nod.

I look at the only other two people I haven't placed yet. The blonde woman (who seems to be the leader) and the brunette man "who are you two", I ask, "Cinderella and her prince?" They both blush looking quite awkward as the blonde woman says "no. I'm Emma. I guess you could call me the savior", "and Im Neal" says the brunette man.

"His actual name is Baelfire. He's Rumple's son" says Snow, "as in Rumplestiltsken? well that sure wasn't apart of the story", I say in shock, "and I've never heard of the savior, except for in church but they were talking about Jesus". "She's our daughter" says Snow proudly as she puts her arm around Emma, I feel my jaw drop before I say "that wasn't apart of the story either" Snow and Emma laugh at my reaction. I shake my head; this world is so much more effed up than I thought.

"So which one of you are Henry's parents" I ask out of curiosity. My eyes go wide as Neal, Emma, and Regina raise their hands. "Alright, I know you guys are apart of fairy tales and all, but I know that's impossible; even for you". Emma motions between her and Neal while saying "we're his biological parents, I gave him up for adoption, and she adopted him". That poor guy being raised by a witch. I wonder if he knows she's the witch from Snow White.

"So let me see if I've got this straight. You kidnapped me to kill me, because Peter has Henry" I ask. All of them nod their heads before I ask sarcastically "who's brilliant idea was that" Snow points at Regina and Regina rolls her eyes before asking me rudely "what's wrong with it". "Well Peter still has Henry. So, whatever you do to me he'll probably do ten times worse to Henry", I watch as all their faces fill with worry and fear. "She's right" says Charming "told you it was a stupid idea" says Hook, "you've said that already" says Neal irritably.

"So what do you think we should do" asks Snow, "as if she would tell us" says Emma. "Well you should just wait for him to come here. If he loves me as much as you say he'll come looking for me" I say. They all look surprised at my answer and I wonder why before Regina asks "why are you helping us? Don't you love Pan". I think about my answer to this I know why Im helping them, but I don't know if I love Peter. I'll just skip over that question like I never heard it.

"I'm helping because I've talked to Henry, and he's such a sweet kid with so much faith that you guys are going to save him. Plus, when I first talked to him I told him I'd do everything I could to help" they all smile at me(even Regina) and I smile back. "Thank you" says Regina. "You're welcome", I say smiling,"now that we've established the fact that I'm not leaving can I get down from here? My back hurts" they all laugh as Charming and Hook walk behind me to untie me. As their untying me my conscious says Peter is going to kill you when he finds out you're helping them.

Hey lovelies!! Thank you for all the wonderful comments, even though I don't respond I still read them, and I just love them. Please vote, comment, spread the word, and follow the Instagram page!! Byyyeee!!!!

My Lovely Lost Girl- A Peter Pan{Robbie Kay} FanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt